Pile of clutter in lots of boxes

365 Things To Declutter From Your Home And Life This Year (Free Printables!)

This list of 365 things to declutter will give you loads of ideas and inspiration for items to get rid of in your home and life this year. Just a little a day and you’ll be clutter free before you know it.

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365 Things To Declutter From Your Home And Life This Year

It took me a while to think of them all – seriously, hours! – but I’m totally happy with the final cut, as they are all things that will make a difference – big AND small.

365 of course is the number of days in a year, so if you declutter one thing a day over the year, then by the end of it you’ll be 365 things (at least!!) lighter.

Sounds good, doesn’t it!

Of course, the list is HUGE, and so I have given some thought on how to make things easier for you to tackle (as always!) – because one long checklist would be pretty overwhelming!

What I decided is this:

This post is the hub for the entire list – so you can see everything in one place (and tackle things as and when you want to, and you can start at the date you find it all!).

But if you prefer to grab all the free printables, then there are 2 styles you can grab.

Both are in the Printables Library waiting for you (along with over 100 others!) so you can head over there and download the one you want – or you can grab the daily declutter challenge format directly from HERE.

The Daily Decluttering Challenge

Whichever version you pick, on each decluttering list there’s the right number of items for the days in that month, so you can tackle one thing a day over that month.

And if you want to see the individual monthly posts as well, all the links are at the end of this post to make it as easy as possible.

So, for now – let’s get started, shall we…..

365 Things To Declutter This Year

#1 – Your keyring – Are you carrying around keys you don’t need to?

#2 – Your mind โ€“ Take some time out to clear your head a little (journalling is a great idea, or meditation)

#3 – Broken Christmas lights 

#4 – Broken Christmas baubles – nothing worse than opening containers of holiday decor to find lots that you can’t use…

Lady holding a gold bauble

#5 – Christmas decorations you haven’t put up for at least 3 years

#6 – Old Calendars and Diaries (unless you need to keep for accounting or possibly sentimental reasons)

#7 – Anything on your TO DO list that you do as a habit already – you may feel better crossing it off, but it should’t be there in the first place!

#8 – Excess picture frames / ones you don’t use and have no space for

#9 – Old bedding in the bottom of your linen cupboard or under the bed – these will be taking up lots of space for things that you never use

#10 – Out of date food in the kitchen cupboards (expired food isn’t any good to anyone)

#11 – Bad photos you have had developed that you will never want to frame or put in an album

#12 – Receipts from items you have kept and used (unless itโ€™s the guarantee or you need to keep for accounting reasons)

#13 – Items on your TO DO list that have a deadline – these should be decluttered from your TO DO list and added to your diary for the right date.

#14 – Any clothes that are misshapen (jumpers for example)

#15 – Artificial plants / flowers that look less than realโ€ฆ. living rooms will thank you!

#16 – Tights with ladders

#17 – Rusted / tarnished jewellery

#18 – Everything but the essentials off the kitchen work surfaces โ€“ all too often they are the place we put piles of post/paperwork/homework etcโ€ฆ. Clear the surfaces and you will much more quickly be able to clean the space and feel calmer

#19 – Damaged books that are hard to read

#20 – Junk Mail thatโ€™s come into your home

#21 – Junk Mail BEFORE it comes into the doorregister for the mail preference service

#22 – Shoes that hurt when you wear them

#23 – Excess Tupperware / plastic containers

#24 – Books youโ€™ve never read and wonโ€™t ever read!

#25 – Too many cleaning rags

#26 – Socks without their partner

#27 – Half finished craft projects that are never going to be completed

#28 – Memorabilia that doesnโ€™t hold the same value for you any longer

#29 – ‘Bags for Life’ that you never use

#30 – Organising products / storage stuff that you don’t use and that’s sitting there taking up space (Oh!, the irony!)

#31 – Things that take too much time. For example โ€“ If you spend half a day food shopping each week โ€“ then look into shopping online. You can get on with other things while someone else shops and delivers your food for you.

#32 – Clothes that donโ€™t fit (the only clothes you need to keep that don’t fit are if you are currently pregnant or have just had a baby, or are actively losing or gaining weight).

#33 – Cords and wires that you have no clue what they’re for

#34 – Anything waiting to be returned to family/friends etcโ€ฆ

#35 – Cooking – batch cook a meal and freeze to declutter the time you spend in the kitchen!

#36 – Scissors that don’t cut very well

#37 – Sports bras that have lost their hold!

#38 – Books you have more than one of  (My hubby and I had several duplicates books when we got togetherโ€ฆ)

#39 – Friends on Facebook who actually aren’t friends any longerโ€ฆ.

#40 – Downloaded films that you have watched already

#41 – Toiletries you will never use (e.g hand cream/foot cream etcโ€ฆ from a set you got at Christmas)

#42 – Old cake decorating supplies that are out of date

#43 – Any DIY supplies that you donโ€™t require in your home any longer (things bought for a project that you’ve now finished)

#44 – Old utility bills

#45 – Chargers for things that you don’t know what they charge!

#46 – Product guarantees that are expired or that are for products you don’t own anymore.

#47 – Anything on your TO DO list that’s outdated

#48 – Invitations for events that have been and gone

#49 – Pan lids with no pan that fits them

#50 – Greetings cards from past events (keep only those that are truly sentimental)

Clutter quote - how many things are there which I do not want

#51 – Damaged gift bags – that aren’t good enough to gift to anyone.

#52 – Excess coat hangers (especially the wire ones or thin plastic ones as they donโ€™t do your clothes any good – velvet ones are my favourite)

#53 – Digital photos on your phone that arenโ€™t any good โ€“ blurred etcโ€ฆ

#54 – Anything that makes you feel sad or guilty when you look at it

#55 – Out of date newspapers

#56 – Rugs past their best

#57 – Manuals for tech items you have (you can find the info online)

#58 – Bottles of alcohol that have only a tiny bit left in them

#59 – TV series links on your TV that you aren’t going to watch again

#60 – Evening wear you won’t wear again or that you have no need for

#61 – Apps on your phone that waste your time

#62 – Anything waiting to be mended – spend an hour getting it done (DIY or clothes)

#63 – Digital books (Kindle) that you’ve read and don’t want any longer

#64 – Excess furniture (clear the room a bit and let it all breathe!)

#65 – Shop Catalogues

#66 – Any earrings that donโ€™t have their partner

#67 – Out of date vitamins that are lurking in the medicine cabinet

#68 – Coats that you never wear anymore

#69 – Computer games that the children have grown out of (get them swapped at games stores for something that they will use instead)

#70 – Anything that is past itโ€™s best in the freezer

#71 – Numbers in your Phones PhoneBook – delete any numbers in your mobile phone that you don’t use anymore

#72 – Kids artwork (take photos or scan instead so you still have copies but less bulk) โ€“ only keep really special ones

#73 – Old magazines

#74 – Clothes genres that you don’t use any longer (For example – work clothes when you now work from home or are a stay at home mum, maternity clothes if you’ve had your family now etcโ€ฆ)

#75 – Your bathroom scales – You really don’t need these in your life….

#76 – Gloves without a partner

#77 – Anything on your bedside table that doesn’t need to be there

#78 – Old bikes / scooters / trikes etcโ€ฆ.

#79 – Ironing waiting to be done – declutter that pile by spending 15 minutes doing some!

#80 – Winter clothes that you didn’t wear, or that are worn out

#81 – Anything in the visors / mirror in the front of the car that shouldn’t be there (you can stuff quite a lot there if you try!)

#82 – Items on your cleaning schedule that someone else could do (delegate)

#83 – Out of date pet food / snacks

#84 – Hats that you don’t wear

#85 – Paint for rooms that you have since redecorated a different colour

#86 – Scarves that you don’t wear

#87 – Subscriptions or memberships you never use

#88 – Old computers (take care to destroy the hard drive first)

#89 – Scratched DVDs or CDs

#90 – Plugin air fresheners that lost their scent a while ago

#91 – Broken watches that can’t be fixed

#92 – Dried up paint brushes or rollers

#93 – Excess packaging in the bathroom – toilet roll bags etcโ€ฆ.

#94 – All the unneeded bits of paper/receipts etc.. in your purse and handbag

#95 – Items on your cleaning schedule that you do too often (take away some of the frequency)

#96 – Any clothes that are worn out / damaged

#97 – Tea towels past their best

#98 – Cleaning supplies you don’t use

#99 – Old Towels that you don’t use any longer

#100 – Cracked / damaged mirrors

Clutter Quote - Clutter is...

#101 – Worn out bath mats

#102 – Old underwear

#103 – Ink cartridges you’re storing still, but you haven’t got a printer that they fit any longer!

#104 – People in your life that make you unhappy to be around

#105 – Excess plates – How many do you *really* need in one go?

#106 – Items on your TO DO list that someone else could do. Delegate at least one thing.

#107 – Tangled jewellery beyond fixing

#108 – Tickets for events / travel that have been and gone

#109 – Packs of playing cards with some missing

#110 – Mugs – any over the total number of people you would ever have drinking in your home in one go

#111 – Tiles / flooring spares that you’ve kept, but that you don’t have in your home anymore.

#112 – Sponges/ cloths that are stinky

#113 – Anything that’s past its best in the fridge

#114 – Broken or unsightly garden ornaments

#115 – Finished colouring books

#116 – Everything but the essentials off the bathroom surfaces

#117 – VHS tapes and audio cassettes if you havenโ€™t anything to play them on

#118 – Duplicate digital photos

Want a list of these items to work through? You can grab 12 FREE printable checklists in the Printables Library along with 100+ others. Head HERE to get yours!

Set of 12 free printable monthly decluttering checklists

#119 – Anything in cup holders in your car that shouldn’t be there

#120 – Broken / unused Easter decorations

#121 – Weeds in your garden – spend 1hr weeding and notice the massive difference it makes

#122 – Boxes from electronic items you have bought – seriously – how many times have you ever needed the box again?

#123 – Duplicate kitchen items

#124 – Old nail varnish / nail polish in a colour you donโ€™t wear any longer

#125 – Anything waiting to go to the tip โ€“ make a few journeys and free up the space

#126 – Any stickers on your car windows that are outdated or not needed any longer

#127 – Anything in a box in your garage that you don’t use, or remember what’s in it!

#128 – Makeup past its best

#129 – Take away menus for places you never eat at

#130 – Bags and purses you won’t use again

#131 – Outdated items on your noticeboard

#132 – Broken or chipped vases

#133 – Excess bedding โ€“ keep 2 sets per bed (1 for the wash and 1 to use) and keep within easy reach of each bed.

#134 – Hair products you used to use when your style was different

#135 – Photo albums you don’t use

#136 – Clothes you simply don’t wear anymore

#137 – Toiletries and perfumes you hate the smell of

#138 – Chipped garden plant pots

#139 – Outdated reference books – You will be able to Google whatever you’re wanting to know.

#140 – Herbs and spices you never use

#141 – Keys that you have no clue what they unlock

#142 – Small product samples – things you’ve picked up at department stores, or in magazines etc… – you probably will never use them.

#143 – Rings that don’t fit (and that you won’t get re-sized)

#144 – Games consoles that you never use

#145 – Your outgoings – take a look at your bank statement and declutter any payments that you shouldn’t be making anymore (I found a small insurance policy on a washing machine that we had been paying 5 years after we moved from that house – seriously! – it hadn’t been spotted because we had several policies with the same company…)

#146 – Anything that you cannot truly fit into your available time / schedule โ€“ start to say no or delegate more

#147 – Old nightwear

#148 – Old bulbs (shake them and see if they rattle!)

#149 – CDs you donโ€™t listen to any longer

#150 – Anything you are keeping in your house that belongs to someone else (kids who have moved out etcโ€ฆ)

Getting rid of clutter would eliminate 40% of housework

#151 – Old party decorations

#152 – TV programmes that take up too much of your time – pick one to stop watching

#153 – Clothes that itch, and that feel awful when you wear

#154 – Your SPAM eMail folder contents

#155 – Educational notes etcโ€ฆ from prior qualifications (you have the qualification now! I need to let go of my uni notesโ€ฆ..)

#156 – Notebooks that are mostly used but full of notes you don’t need

#157 – Any old credit cards in your purse that you no longer need/use (cut up to ensure you can dispose of securely)

#158 – Any food you have too much off that you won’t eat all if before it goes out of date

#159 – Shampoo and conditioner bottles with a tiny bit left in the bottom

#160 – Diary pages that you’ve already used. Planners can be too thick after a while. I tend to take out everything from 2 months ago to keep things to a minimum. Conversely, at the start of the year, I only add in the first 3 months to my planner as I don’t want to carry around the whole year.

#161 – Any glasses over the total number of people you would ever have drinking in your home in one go.

#162 – Items on the front of your fridge

#163 – Any shoes that donโ€™t have their partner

#164 – Out of date medicines

#165 – Kitchen gadgets you never use (ice cream maker was one I had and never used!)

#166 – Old CDs for computer software

#167 – Glasses / contacts that are the wrong prescription

#168 – Pens that donโ€™t work any longer

#169 – Blunt razors

#170 – Items on your TO DO list that could be automated (paying bills etcโ€ฆ)

#171 – Socks with holes in the toes

#172 – Excess drinks coasters

#173 – Anything waiting to be sold – get it sold or give it away. If you don’t spend some time selling, then it’s a waste of money sitting there anyway!

#174 – Old car air fresheners that long since lost their smell

#175 – Attachments for your hair dryer that you never use

#176 – Duvets that don’t fit the beds you have

#177 – Digital photos on your phone that should be moved to your computer for safe keeping

#178 – Balloons / cards / candles with ages on that you won’t need again

#179 – Sports / fitness equipment no longer used or that is broken

#180 – Old emails – spend 15 minutes getting rid of as many as you can.

#181 – Logo t-shirts you won’t wear

#182 – Finished puzzle books

#183 – Open tabs on your browser (phone and/or computer) – create bookmarks instead if you REALLY need to keep them.

#184 – Any clothes you have too many identical items of. How many black jumpers do you really need?!

#185 – Any gadget that you can do the same job with something else you own (for example – you have a grater but you also have a small grater for zesting)

#186 – Balls & inflatables with un-mendable punctures

#187 – Anything in the car door storage areas that shouldn’t be there

#188 – Pet toys past their best (over chewed)

#189 – Any duplicate hair styling equipment

#190 – Specialist tea/coffee you never drink

#191 – Broken tools or garden equipment

#192 – Lipsticks you can’t apply properly because they’ve almost finishedโ€ฆ. (unless you’re willing to use a lip brush and have one already)

#193 – Duplicate physical photos

#194 – Clothes related to a hobby you no longer do (ski kit, sports kit, hiking kit, dance clothes etcโ€ฆ)

#195 – Bulbs that don’t fit any lights in your house

#196 – Jewellery you never wear and that has no value

#197 – Shower mats that you never use

#198 – Old table cloths that you never use

#199 – Duplicates in your stationery drawer – you don’t need more than one pencil sharpener

#200 – Ornaments that you are sick of dusting!

Clutter Quote - Clear clutter, make space for you

#201 – Duplicates in your tool box

#202 – Hair pins that have been bent out of shape

#203 – Excess baking trays / saucepans etcโ€ฆ in the kitchen

#204 – Any hair styling equipment that  you don’t use

#205 – Dead outside plants

#206 – Books for hobbies you don’t do any more

#207 – Any old loyalty cards in your purse that you no longer need/use (cut up to ensure you can dispose of securely) (you can usually find an app for the rest as well)

#208 – Craft supplies and items that are no good any longer (lost their stick, crayons that don’t work etcโ€ฆ)

#209 – Books you have read and have no intention of reading again

#210 – Throws that you don’t use

#211 – School related items for the previous year that aren’t relevant any longer

#212 – Overgrown trees and bushes

#213 – Old jewellery boxes that your jewellery came in when you got it

#214 – Anything on your TO DO list that doesn’t NEED to be done, and that no-one will be affected by if it doesn’t get done

#215 – Clothes you can’t wear because you have nothing that goes with it

#216 – Pens that you can’t write nicely with – you don’t need the frustration in your life!

#217 – Toiletries that don’t work well for you – that you’re just putting up with. For example, a cream that doesn’t feel nice, shampoo that doesn’t make your hair feel clean etc…

#218 – Broken or damaged ornaments

#219 – Belts that you don’t wear

#220 – Recipe books you donโ€™t use (you can easily find recipes online)

#221 – Kids schoolwork – keep only one or two of the best bits from each year

#222 – Downloaded music on your computer / phone that you don’t listen to

#223 – Finished sticker books

#224 – Excess cutlery

#225 – Sportswear that smells – sweat can stay forever, no matter what you do. And it only gets more smelly when you next wear it and it heats up with your body heat after some exercise…

#226 – Excess towels – how many do you really need?

#227 – Anything in a box in your shed that you don’t use, or remember what’s in it!

#228 – Makeup you never wear because you hate the colour

#229 – Old phones that you no longer use

#230 – Blankets that you don’t use

#231 – Telephone directories

#232 – Overstretched hair bands/elastics

#233 – Knives that are no longer sharp and can’t be sharpened

#234 – Photos of places and people you don’t know / remember

#235 – How much food you have stored – eat from what you’ve got for a week and declutter it that way

#236 – Old paperwork that is piling up

#237 – Ice in the freezer – defrost it!

#238 – Anything in the back seat area of the car that isnโ€™t vital

#239 – Sun cream that’s past its best (see the package for months it can be opened for – usually they will show you – for example, 18M is 18 months after opening)

#240 – Your wedding dress

#241 – Programmes from sports events / theatre that you have been to but never look at

#242 – DVDs you have watched and wonโ€™t watch again

#243 – Items related to hobbies you donโ€™t do any longer

#244 – Excess luggage – keep only what you really need

#245 – Swimsuits that have lost their stretch

#246 – Bed pillows that have lost their plumpness and give you a bad nights sleep

#247 – Currency from other countries that you aren’t going back to

#248 – Unneeded TV remotes

#249 – Audio books you’ve listened to and won’t again

#250 – Anything waiting to go to a charity shop

Clutter Quote - Get rid of clutter

#251 – Any DVD or CD boxes that are empty with no sign of the contentsโ€ฆ

#252 – Food in cupboards that you and the family donโ€™t like and wonโ€™t eat

#253 – Old sunglasses

#254 – Anything that you’re keeping in your car boot that shouldn’t be there

#255 – Excess serving dishes in the kitchen โ€“ think about the biggest party youโ€™ve had and what you actually used

#256 – Candle holders you don’t love and/or use

#257 – Outdated travel books (especially if you won’t even visit there)

#258 – Clothes you don’t feel fantastic wearing

#259 – Summer clothes that you didn’t wear, or that are worn out

#260 – Kitchen items that only have one of, but never actually use it (egg cup for example. It’s not a duplicate, but it’s still not useful to you)

#261 – Social events that donโ€™t make you happy โ€“ donโ€™t force yourself to go out or do things because you think you should โ€“ save your energy for that which truly makes you smile

#262 – Old toothbrushes โ€“ you should change your toothbrush every 3 months

#263 – Drinks bottles – 1 per person is fine!

#264 – Broken jewellery that can’t be fixed

#265 – TV subscription that you don’t watch at all – CANCEL

#266 – Too many bathroom toys โ€“ how many can your children play with at one time!

#267 – Outside furniture that has faded, broken, or is past its best

#268 – Any waterproof clothing that isn’t waterproof (coats, shoes etcโ€ฆ)

#269 – A magazine subscription that you don’t read any longer – CANCEL IT

#270 – Vases you don’t like / that don’t match the dรฉcor

#271 – Any old debit cards in your purse that you no longer need/use (cut up to ensure you can dispose of securely)

#272 – Excess travel to places โ€“ try and make every journey count by doing as much as you can at each place โ€“ for example โ€“ when you are going into town make sure you have all your errands in a list so that you donโ€™t have to go again later in the week and waste time โ€“ or if you visit relatives a long distance away aim to visit friends on the way back to make the most of the journey etc…

#273 – The worst photos in a set of similar ones (you may have 10 photos of a school – but there might only be 2 that are fantastic – that’s enough!)

#274 – Presents in your present box that aren’t looking their best any longer

#275 – Business cards / trade flyersadd details to your HOME FILE and recycle them

#276 – Old phone cases you don’t use (or that don’t fit your phone anymore)

#277 – Food you don’t want to be eating (snacks, sweets, sugar etcโ€ฆ.) – this will help you stick to what you want! Take it to a food bank and let someone else use it.

#278 – Clothes that donโ€™t suit your style any longer

#279 – Photos on your phone that you don’t need to keep (selfies, pics of random stuff in your day to day life etcโ€ฆ)

#280 – Calculators – you have one on your phone!

#281 – Duvet covers that don’t fit any beds you have

#282 – Shoe polish in colours you don’t have shoes in

#283 – Your Trash Can on your computer – I didn’t even realise that when you trash a document, it stays in the trash can until you delete that!

#284 – Games/jigsaws where some of the pieces are missing

#285 – Underwired bras where the wire is poking out

#286 – Your address book – get rid of addresses you never use anymore

#287 – Excess bowls

#288 – Old bank statements

#289 – Chargers for phones you no longer own

#290 – More than one oven glove

#291 – Chipped or cracked crockery

#292 – Kids books they’ve outgrown

#293 – Any tupperware or plastic storage containers with missing lids

#294 – Board games you never play

#295 – Old perfume that’s past it’s best

#296 – Rusty baking sheets or equipment (graters, sieves etcโ€ฆ)

#297 – Out of date vouchers and deals information you have been keeping

#298 – Files in your filing cabinet that are for categories you don’t need anymore

#299 – Anything on your TO DO list that you always leave when you look at it – either get it done now or you’ll never do it!

#300 – Spare buttons from clothes that you are keepingโ€just in caseโ€

Clutter quote - you can't reach for anything new if

#301 – Any pet related items you don’t need / use

#302 – Work related items from a job you don’t do any longer (badges, uniform etcโ€ฆ)

#303 – Anything in the glove compartment of your car that shouldn’t be there

#304 – Cobwebs! – dust the ceilings and get rid of this completely unwanted item!

#305 – Christmas card / present list – are you sending to too many people?

#305 – Dead leaves on the ground

#307 – Outgrown or unused Halloween costumes

#308 – Broken / unused Halloween decorations

#309 – Files on your computer that you never use and won’t need again

#310 – Items on your TO DO list that take less than 2 minutes to do – spend 30 minutes right now getting them all done

#311 – Loyalty cards that have excess points on – spend them or do something with them because they aren’t real value for you until you do

#312 – Games on your phone that waste your time every day

#313 – Dead plants/flowers

#314 – Chains that have snapped in two – that can’t be fixed

#315 – Text books from past studies

#316 – Queues – online shop, leave home at a different time to avoid traffic if possible etcโ€ฆ

#317 – Food packagingboxes of snacks, yoghurts etcโ€ฆ can all be unboxed to save room and get rid of excess

#318 – Anything in your bedroom that doesn’t promote relaxation and sleep

#319 – Out of date letters or forms

#320 – Garden toys that have been left outside and are faded, broken, mouldy etcโ€ฆ

#321 – Maps – you’ll find Google maps more up to date!

#322 – Badly fitting bras

#323 – Laundry waiting to be put away

#324 – Any clothes that donโ€™t flatter your shape

#325 – Napkins you never use

#326 – Your BIN eMail contents

#327 – Anything recorded on your TV that you have been meaning to watch but havenโ€™t for months (you arenโ€™t likely to after that amount of time)

#328 – Anything in a box in your loft that you don’t use, or remember what’s in it!

#329 – Anything around the house that isn’t in the right place at that time – do a 10/15 minute tidy up.

#330 – Dried up / un-sticky glue products

#331 – Cuddly toys no longer loved

#332 – Old batteries

#333 – Old cameras that you don’t use anymore

#334 – Baby items if you have finished having babies and your family is complete

#335 – Items in your diary that you donโ€™t enjoy doing and could say NO to

#336 – Unwanted phone calls. Stop them by registering for the telephone preference service

#337 – Kids toys no longer played with

#338 – Small paint sample pots that you got when you were decorating

#339 – Dead leaves on living plants

#340 – Unsubscribe from one email series that you keep deleting before you read it

#341 – Rolls of wallpaper that you haven’t got a room decorated in any longer!

#342 – Apps on your phone that you don’t use

#343 – Something from your junk drawer that you NEVER need

#344 – Less than perfect gift bows and ribbons

#345 – Any โ€œI should be doingโ€ thoughts โ€“ If it’s because you feel guilty about not doing it, then stop – you know what’s right for you and your family. BUT if it’s because you really DO want to do the thing, then just take one step towards doing it and you will feel happier immediately.

For example โ€“ if you want to get a job, then start brainstorming what jobs you are qualified for, what you love to do, and where you see yourself in 2 years time โ€“ that way you get more focused and it feels more real.

#346 – Anything under your sofa cushions!

#347 – Broken folders / ring binders

#348 – Duplicate games & toys – you only need one of each!

#349 – Broken umbrellas

#350 – Anything lurking at the bottom of your handbag!

#351 – Decorative Cushions that have lost their plumpness

TIP โ€“ If you love the cushion then you could re-fill with a feather insert which will give it new life

#352 – Cards that have no envelope

#353 – More than one diary – you’ll get confused and double book if you have more than one – you’re only one person!

#354 – Excess loose change โ€“ gather it up and get it to the bank

#355 – Artwork that doesnโ€™t make you happy

#356 – Scraps of wrapping paper that wonโ€™t wrap anything

#357 – Anything in your bins around the house!

#358 – Used candles where the wick has worn down and canโ€™t be lit again

#359 – Anyย plastic carrier bags you are stockpilingย (20 is probably plenty!)

Daily Declutter Challenge - Let Go Of 1 Thing A Day And Be Clutter Free Before You Know It!

#360 – Your bucket list – schedule a couple of things into the next 6 months that you’ve always wanted to do

#361 – Diffusers that have been used up

#362 – Presents that you are keeping so as not to offend the giver โ€“ re-gift to someone who will love it โ€“ you will have said thank you for the gift and have appreciated the thought, but if it’s not something you love then why keep it.

NOTE โ€“ Label who gave you what as it would be awful to re-gift to the original giverโ€ฆ..

#363 – Regrets โ€“ you canโ€™t change the past, so there’s no point in looking backwards. You are you because of the life you have had so far, so the very best thing to do now is to look forward and focus on what you want your life to look like from this point on.

#364 – Christmas cards that you don’t want to keep (You could re-use the rest and make the front of the cards into tags for next years presents – you then would only need to declutter the back half of the card)

#365 – Christmas presents you bought for people, but never used. I usually have a few spares in case people pop by unexpectedly, or I buy a couple of things over the year and forget I’ve got it for someone specifically so I buy something else (rare, but it happens!) – Why not add them into your present box and give to someone else when the time is right?

365 Things To Declutter From Your Home And Life This Year

There you have it – 365 things to declutter this year in your home and life.

If you’ve made it to the end of this post, then well done! it’s a challenge just to read it, let alone declutter it all – but think how great you’ll feel when all of that lot of stuff is out of your life….

Whether you tackle them all in one blitz, do a few each week, or you print off all the printable decluttering checklists for each month (please find the links below) – the choice is yours.

But the trick, as always, is to just get started and do as much decluttering as you can.

Take action!, and I really hope that this list helps you achieve the clutter free home and life that you want….

Click on the month you want to take a closer look at, and I hope the free checklists help you stay on track with your regular decluttering habit: –













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