Simple declutter checklist (totally FREE as well!) of things to get rid of in January from your home and life. Think how fantastic you’ll feel when you have decluttered all 31 items at the end of the month! You’ll be clutter free before you know it, and that could really change your life!
This week I wrote a VERY long post which listed 365 things to declutter from your home and life this year.
It was a HIT!
What everyone seems to like most is the fact that there is a plan for each item. I’m not just telling you to get rid of one thing a day for a year – I’m helping you pick what that is…
Seems we all like to declutter, but with a plan.
So – as I said in that post, I’ve decided to make this list even more accessible for you, and I’m going to write a post each month this year with the right number of items to declutter 1 a day.
I’ve split that massive list up, and made sure as much as possible that what you declutter each month is the right kind of item for that specific month – so it makes sense as you go.
And there’s more!
If you want to track things, I’ve also added a declutter checklist which you can grab in the Printables Library and tick off the items as you go.
So – my challenge to you is to follow along over the year.
You could declutter one thing a day, OR do a blitz each month. The choice really is yours, but I hope it helps you to become a little more clutter free.
Hope you enjoy…
31 things – Your Declutter Checklist For January
#1 – Your keyring
An easy one to start the year off!
Are you carrying around keys you don’t need to?
You only need the essentials on your main keyring (house / car), so if you are one of these people who carry around every key they own, then take a look at what you’ve got.
There may be keys that are old and don’t open anything you own any longer, there may be keys that you can add to a second keyring and keep at home, whatever keys you have that you don’t absolutely need on a daily basis can be decluttered now and you’ll find life a lot easier for the rest of the year!
#2 – Your mind
Take some time out to clear your head a little (journalling is a great idea, or meditation). I love using January to do this because you are usually in the frame of mind to look back over last year and make plans for this year.
You can write down everything you’re thinking about and make your head clearer and more focused in the process.
#3 – Broken Christmas lights
#4 – Broken Christmas baubles
#5 – Christmas decorations you haven’t put up for at least 3 years
January 6th is the last day to put your decorations away for a year, so it makes sense to use a few days to go through what you have and get rid of anything that you haven’t used / doesn’t work / is broken.
You only want to pack away what you’ll use and love next year – otherwise you’re storing clutter!
#6 – Old Calendars and Diaries
You will no doubt have a new one for the new year – so take any bits that you need to keep (unless you need to keep it all for accounting or possibly sentimental reasons), and get rid of the rest of your calendars/diary. You won’t miss it!
#7 – Anything on your TO DO list that you do as a habit already.
I am definitely one of these people who write things down that I’ve already done, or that I know will be easy to do because they are a habit that I do without really thinking.
Yes, it feels great to tick things off the list – but really it shouldn’t be there in the first place, and you’ll feel even better looking at a smaller TO DO list to start the year off well.
#8 – Excess picture frames / ones you don’t use and have no space for.
They seem to breed in my house! At this time of year I have looked at creating my Photo Book for last year, and have updated some of the photos around the house as well.
It’s easy, therefore, to take a quick look and see whether there are any excess frames around that can be got rid of (if they are excess now, at the time when I am filling frames, then chances are they won’t be used at all).
#9 – Old bedding in the bottom of your linen cupboard that you never use.
Ideally you will have 2 sets of bedding per bed in your home. That way you can have one on the bed, and one in the wash.
This should be plenty because you will no doubt have beds that are the same size in the house that can share bedding as well if an accident occurs etc…
#10 – Out of date food in the cupboards.
I seriously don’t know how, every time I go to my cupboards and look for out of date food, I find some!
Take a look, you may be surprised at what you’ve got in there….
#11 – Bad photos you have had developed that you will never want to frame or put in an album.
They could be blurred, pictures of a thumb over the lens, a black picture (maybe you kept the lens on by mistake) – etc… – but chances are you’ll have a few quick wins today if you take a look.
#12 – Receipts from items you have kept and used (unless it’s the guarantee or you need to keep for accounting reasons).
#13 – Items on your TO DO list that have a deadline
These should be decluttered from your TO DO list and added to your diary for the right date.
If you leave them on the TO DO list you may well forget to actually get them done in time…
#14 – Any clothes that are misshapen (jumpers for example)
#15 – Artificial plants / flowers that look less than real….
I really do think that artificial plants and flowers can look amazing – and I use them in my house all the time – but they can look awful as well if you don’t pick them wisely.
#16 – Tights with ladders
You’ll never wear them again – so why keep them?
#17 – Rusted / tarnished jewellery
If you can’t get them clean again – then it’s time to let them go, because you won’t wear them while they look like that.
#18 – Everything but the essentials off the kitchen work surfaces
All too often they are the place we put piles of post/paperwork/homework etc…
Just clear the surfaces and you’ll much more quickly be able to clean the space and feel calmer.
#19 – Damaged books that are hard to read
I love keeping books – but if they can’t do what they are meant for, it’s time to let them go…
#20 – Junk Mail that’s come into your home
If you’re keeping piles of mail that’s come through the door, then get rid of the junk right now.
For the future, think about putting a bin by the door so you can add junk to it as soon as it comes in (and then recycle it, of course).
#21 – Junk Mail BEFORE it comes into the door
Register for the mail preference service and stop the extra mail you don’t want before it even gets to you.
#22 – Shoes that hurt when you wear them
Why do we (women especially) keep shoes that hurt. Life really is too short.
#23 – Excess Tupperware
It breeds, I’m sure of it!
#24 – Books you’ve never read and won’t ever read!
Maybe you got a book as a present, maybe you bought one thinking you *should* read it – whatever the reason, if you’re not doing to read it – why not donate to someone who will?
#25 – Too many cleaning rags
How many cleaning rags do you use when you clean your home? This is the right amount – so anymore are excess and can be got rid of.
You can wash the rags after cleaning, and then they’ll be ready for the next cleaning session.
#26 – Socks without their partner
I try and buy all black socks for myself now – so that when socks go missing (because we all know they will!), I can use single socks with each other with no real worries.
#27 – Half finished craft projects that are never going to be completed.
#28 – Memorabilia that doesn’t hold the same value for you any longer
Some things are really important to you at a certain time in your life, but as time goes on, they lose their significance (old love letters, old diaries – for example).
Having a cull of your memorabilia works wonders!
#29 – ‘Bags for Life’ that you never use
How many times have you gone to a shop and bought ANOTHER bag for life because you’ve left yours at home? They will certainly last a lifetime if they stay in your drawer!
#30 – Organising products / storage stuff that you don’t use and that’s sitting there taking up space (Oh!, the irony!)
I wrote a post a while ago on why you shouldn’t buy organising products before you’ve got organised – so if you struggle with getting rid of these sorts of things, it may well be worth a read.
#31 – Things that take too much time. For example – If you spend half a day food shopping each week – then look into shopping online. You can get on with other things while someone else shops and delivers your food for you.
Declutter checklist for January
If you’d like your very own copy of the declutter checklist for January – then it’s available right now in the Printables Library.
This is where I keep ALL the free printables from around this site: –
Get this checklist now – it’s free!
Your very own copy of the ‘January Declutter Checklist’ is waiting for you in the Free Printables Library.
To get FREE access to the entire library simply click the button below – hope you enjoy!
There you have it – 31 things to get rid of in January – AND a Free Checklist to stay on track.
What more could you ask for (apart from for me to come and do it for you, of course!).
I hope you have fun with this list, and that you join me next month for Februarys instalment (and if you can’t wait until then, remember that the entire list is written out HERE).
Read Next: List Of Homemaking Things To Do In January [Free Printable]