Things to declutter in November - incl. free checklist

31 Easy Things To Declutter From Your Home In November

Easy checklist (totally FREE as well!) of 30 easy things to declutter from your home and life in November. Why not enjoy a more clutter free home, starting right now (and you can do the entire year as well, as I have done a checklist for every month!)

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30 Easy things to declutter in November - Free Printable Checklist

This is the second to last part of my 12 part series of free decluttering printables this year – all based around the popular post – 365 things to declutter from your home and life this year.

You can choose how you do things with each monthlyย declutter checklist (which you can grab NOW in the Printables Library).ย 

Either do it all on one day in a blitz session, or take it slowly and declutter one item a day on the date the checklist suggests.

It really depends on what time you have available, and how you like to do things (as always!).

Without further ado, let’s get on with all those easy things to declutter this month, shall we!?

Hope you enjoy!

30 Easy things to declutter in November

#1 โ€“ Christmas card / present list โ€“ are you sending to too many people?

#2 โ€“ Dead leaves on the ground. It’s amazing what a couple of hours in the garden can do to tidy things up

#3 โ€“ Outgrown or unused Halloween costumes

#4 โ€“ Broken / unused Halloween decorations

#5 โ€“ Files on your computer that you never use and wonโ€™t need again

#6 โ€“ Items on your TO DO list that take less than 2 minutes to do โ€“ spend 30 minutes right now getting them all done

#7 โ€“ Loyalty cards that have excess points on โ€“ spend them or do something with them because they arenโ€™t real value for you until you do

#8 โ€“ Games on your phone that waste your time every day

#9 โ€“ Dead plants/flowers

#10 โ€“ Chains that have snapped in two โ€“ that canโ€™t be fixed

#11 โ€“ Text books from past studies

#12 โ€“ Queues โ€“ online shop, leave home at a different time to avoid traffic if possible etcโ€ฆ

#13 โ€“ Food packaging โ€“ boxes of snacks, yoghurts etcโ€ฆ can all be unboxed to save room and get rid of excess

#14 โ€“ Anything in your bedroom that doesnโ€™t promote relaxation and sleep

#15 โ€“ Out of date letters or forms

#16 โ€“ Garden toys that have been left outside and are faded, broken, mouldy etcโ€ฆ

#17 โ€“ Maps โ€“ youโ€™ll find Google maps more up to date!

#18 โ€“ Badly fitting bras

#19 โ€“ Laundry waiting to be put away. This is something that often piles up, and is pretty quick and easy to fix if we spend a bit of focused time on it. It’s worth it, I promise!

#20 โ€“ Any clothes that donโ€™t flatter your shape

#21 โ€“ Napkins you never use

#22 โ€“ Your BIN eMail contents

#23 โ€“ Anything recorded on your TV that you have been meaning to watch but havenโ€™t for months (you arenโ€™t likely to after that amount of time)

#24 โ€“ Anything in a box in your loft that you donโ€™t use, or remember whatโ€™s in it!

#25 โ€“ Anything around the house that isnโ€™t in the right place at that time โ€“ do a 10/15 minute tidy up.

#26 โ€“ Dried up / un-sticky glue products

#27 โ€“ Cuddly toys no longer loved

#28 โ€“ Old batteries

#29 โ€“ Old cameras that you donโ€™t use anymore

#30 โ€“ Baby items if you have finished having babies and your family is complete

30 Easy things to declutter in November - Free Printable Checklist

Declutter checklist for November

If you’d like your very own copy of the declutter checklist for November – then it’s available right now in the Printables Library.

This is where I keep ALL the free printables from around this site: –

30 Easy things to declutter in November - Free Printable Checklist

There you have it – 30 easy things to declutter from your home and life in November – AND a Free Checklist to stay on track.

The best way to stay on track all month and get a bit done each day.

I hope you have fun with this list, and that you join me next month for the very last checklist of the year (and if you can’t wait until then, remember that the entire list is written out HERE).

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