What To Store In A Storage Bed (And What NOT To!)
If you’re thinking of getting a storage bed OR have already got one, then you’ll probably want to get the most out of this amazing piece of bedroom furniture – and if you’re wondering what you can store in a storage bed to make it as useful a space as possible, then this is the article for you.
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So – whatever type of bed you have (one with built in storage like an ottoman bed, a divan storage bed, or a storage bed with built in drawers) – here are some of the ideas that you can use to maximise that lovely space straight away.

Isn’t it bad to store things under your bed?
First things first….
You may be questioning the whole idea of storing things under beds, but, usually the reasons to NOT store things under your bed come from trying to store things under beds that have no proper built in storage.
These beds mean you’re having to create the storage yourself, likely with pull out containers of some kind, and the biggest 3 issues with these are: –
- They can get very dusty very quickly
- They can be really hard to pull out when heavy, or on a carpeted floor – AND they can scratch hard floors
- They don’t maximise the space very well – creating a lot of wasted space however hard you try
So – although I’m an advocate of making all spaces work hard (especially if storage space is lacking elsewhere), for this post we’re ONLY talking about what to store specifically in storage beds, as these are the PERFECT extra storage that every bedroom needs.
Plus, they take away a lot of the negatives for storing things under your bed.
Ideas For what to store in a storage bed
Things to store in a storage bed in the master bedroom
Your master bedroom is of course used every day – so it makes sense to store things that you need pretty frequently in the under the bed space.
#1 – Out of Season clothes – you can grab them if you need to (great in the UK especially as weather can be variable to say the least!)
#2 – Shoes & coats (make sure they’re clean) – pick the ones that you wear occasionally, and free up a little space in the hallway or wherever you keep them normally.
#3 – Luggage (if it fits) – this is really bulky and it’s great to be able to hide it away. You WOULD need a lot of space for this, but some storage beds have a good amount of depth so it’s worth doing if at all possible)
#4 – Handbags – these can take up a lot of room in a wardrobe – so it makes sense to put them out of the way a bit more.
#5 – Extra bedding – if you don’t have/want a linen closet in your home – then storing the bedding for each bedroom in that room makes perfect sense. Storing it in the bed makes even more sense!
#6 – A lot of storage beds don’t easily show that they have storage at all – and so they can be a great place to store valuables or to hide presents (if people don’t know they can look under the bed, they’ll never find that stuff!)
Things to store in a childs storage bed
With kids having lots of things to store, a storage bed makes perfect sense for their bedroom(s).
If they are small, then you will want to store things that they don’t want and need regularly, because you won’t want them trying to open or close an ottoman style bed by themselves (they may get their hands or feet trapped).
But if they are older (probably 10+), then they will be able to access that space more easily themselves, and so it can be a great place to store things they use on an infrequent basis that they can access if necessary)
All that being said, there are some good things to list in this section that would work for all aged children….
- Board games – can be bulky to store elsewhere
- Clothes they are going to grow into – ideally labelled with sizes so you can grab the next size quickly (this is great when you’re lucky enough to have clothes from older family members or friends children that they’ve outgrown)
- Books they can’t read yet – same as for clothes, you may get books that they aren’t old enough for as yet, so they can be stored away for a later date
- Memory box(es) – a brilliant way to keep those special items as they grow up, but it can be bulky and you may not want access to it all the time.
- Extra bedding
What to store in a storage bed in a guest bedroom
A storage bed in a guest bedroom can be a real life-saver for providing much needed hidden storage that even your guests may not realise is there!
Use it as you want – but my preference is to use it on things that are either useful for that specific need (i.e. guests staying), OR to use it for the secondary need of the room (when guests aren’t staying.
Use this room for something yourself, otherwise you’re wasting a lot of space to only be used infrequently by others….. – things like a hobby, a practical need for the house etc… all work well).
- Gifting items – I LOVE making the guest room a place to house all my gifting items, like wrapping paper, cards, present box etc… as it gives the space a function that means it’s used a lot, and these items can be hard to find a space for around the house.
- Anything your guests may need (we have one set of friends who are allergic to feathers and all our bedding is feathers, so we have a duvet and pillows that are NOT feathered kept under the bed for them, for example)
- Your out of season clothes – another room that these make sense to be stored in
- Your fitness clothes and kit – assuming you won’t need them when guests stay over (caps are best stored in these beds because they are less likely to get squashed out of shape).
- Seasonal decorations – Easy to grab when the time comes (and really handy if you don’t have a loft or garage)
- Extra bedding
Not got a storage bed in all your bedrooms as yet? – Related: The Best Storage Beds to Minimise Clutter
What NOT to store in a storage bed
- Empty suitcases – these are really bulky, and while it’s a great idea to store them in an ottoman style bed, it doesn’t make sense not to also use the space inside them for extra storage as well. Go one step further and store things IN the suitcases as well (such as holiday items, seasonal clothes etc…)
- Things you use daily – although access is easy on most storage beds, you may not want to be lifting an ottoman style bed and mattress each and every day… It makes a LOT more sense to have to get to things less frequently.
- Bulky out of season clothes – think about vacuum packing them to minimise the space they take up, and then you can get more stored in the same amount of space.
- Anything you’re putting in that storage space because you feel you should keep it, or you’re keeping ‘just in case’. Just because it’s out of sight, it really won’t be out of mind (contrary to the popular saying…), so declutter BEFORE you start storing, otherwise you’re sleeping on a mess, and that’s not very relaxing…
- Anything that isn’t easily visible (or labelled clearly) – otherwise you may well forget it’s even there.

There you have it – what to store in a storage bed (and what you can’t!)
There are lots of ideas and inspiration for what to put in a storage bed – and I hope it’s inspired you to store lots of things that make sense for you and your home life under any that you have.
Plus – if this has made you want to get a second (or third…) storage bed in your home, take a look at this article next, as it has the best storage beds listed (along with lots of tips on what to look for when buying one).