Dust On A Wooden Table Top, With lady putting her finger through it

How to Eliminate Dust in Your House: The Complete Guide

Do you feel like there’s always dust in the air in your home? Are your allergies acting up more than usual? If so, you’re not alone. Dust is one of the most common allergens out there, and it can be tough to get rid of it all. In this guide, we will teach you how to eliminate dust from your house once and for all!

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How To Eliminate Dust In Your House - The Complete Guide

What Is Dust, And Why Does It Matter To You?

Most of us think of dust as little more than a nuisance-something to be swept up or vacuumed on a regular basis.

But what exactly is dust, and why does it matter to us?

Dust is made up of tiny particles of matter, including dead skin cells, pet dander, and bits of cloth fibres. It can also contain pollen, mould spores, and other allergens.

For many people, dust is a major trigger for asthma and other respiratory disorders.

In fact, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, as many as 50 million Americans suffer from allergies triggered by dust mites, and an allergic reaction is definitely something to try and avoid.

Dust can also cause headaches, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating.

Not only that – but the amount of dust a home can produce is astounding.

Scientists estimate that the average home generates around 40 pounds of dust every year. That’s an awful lot to deal with…

None of this is good for us and our homes, so the next time you reach for the broom, remember that there’s more to dust than meets the eye.

It’s definitely worth finding out exactly how to reduce and eliminate as much as possible, right?!

Where Does Dust Come From? 4 Eye Opening Places…

Before you try and get rid of dust, you need to know where it comes from – so that you can start to prevent it as well.

And while it may seem like dust materialises out of thin air, that’s not actually the case.

In most homes, household dust levels will naturally be high (and you may be constantly asking yourself ‘why is there so much dust in my house?’) because of four main sources.

Those are: tracked-in dirt, human skin cells, pet dander, and fabric fibres.

Let’s take a closer look at each one:

Tracked-in dirt: Every time you step outside, you bring in a few particles of dirt on your shoes.

Over time, all of that tracked-in dirt can add up to a significant amount of dust in your homes air.

BEST WAY TO REDUCE TRACKED IN DIRT: Use shoe mats by every door, and get everyone to wipe their shoes at a minimum and ideally take their shoes off before coming into the house.

Human skin cells: We shed millions of skin cells every day-enough to fill an entire pillowcase over the course of a year!

Most of these cells end up in the dust that settles on our furniture and floors.

BEST WAY TO REDUCE THE BUILD UP OF HUMAN SKIN CELLS: Regularly wash bedding, and vacuum soft furnishings / floors.

Pet Dander: Pet dander is what causes additional dust in homes with animals. It’s made up of small bits of skin shed by pets with fur or feathers such as cats, dogs, rodents and birds.

These particles are light and can easily become airborne, where they’re inhaled or settle on surfaces.

BEST WAY TO REDUCE THE BUILD UP OF PET DANDER: Regular brushing of furry animals, along with vacuuming. Also – hard floors like tiles or wood are easier to keep clean with animals.

Fabric fibres: Clothes, carpets, drapes, and other fabrics are made of tiny fibres that can easily become airborne.

Every time you move around your house, you disturb these fibres and release them into the air.

BEST WAY TO REDUCE THE BUILD UP OF FABRIC FIBRES: Regular vacuuming! Also shake rugs and other soft furnishings outside whenever you can.

Now that we know where dust comes from, let’s talk about how to get rid of it.

Floor duster on wooden floor with dust all over it

The 9 Best Ways To Eliminate / Reduce Dust In Your Home

As they say, prevention is better than cure.

When it comes to dust, the best way to deal with it is to prevent it from settling in the first place.

Taking away as much dust before it appears is the easiest way to improve indoor air quality, AND makes your weekly cleaning a lot less hassle, so it’s definitely worth eliminating as much as you can.

Here are some easy ways to do that:


The more stuff you have, the more dust particles can collect – because there are lots of surfaces for the dust to settle on.

So make this a reason to declutter as much unnecessary stuff in your home as possible.

Statistic - how much people hang onto worth of stuff

Use Doormats & Take Shoes Off In The House

As already mentioned, placing a doormat at every entrance to your home is one of the simplest and most effective ways to reduce the amount of tracked-in dirt.

Encourage your family and guests to take their shoes off when they come inside, and make sure to shake out or brush off any dirt from your own shoes before you enter your house.

TIP – Remember to wash the doormats regularly as well – to avoid dirt building up.

Wash Bedding And Curtains Regularly

Dust mites are attracted to fabric fibres, so it’s important to wash bedding, curtains, and other fabrics on a regular basis.

Ideally, you should wash them in hot water once a week.

If you can’t wash them that often, be sure to at least vacuum them on a weekly basis – and also vacuum your mattress when you change the sheets, to tackle any dust that’s settled there.

Use A Damp Cloth

Whenever you dust your furniture or floors, use a damp cloth instead of a dry one. This will help to trap the dust instead of just moving it around.

Keep Surfaces Clean And Dry

Dust collects more easily on dirty or wet surfaces, so if you can keep them as dry as possible, the dust is less likely to settle when it falls there.

Use An Air Purifier

Air purifiers are designed to remove airborne particles from the air, and they can be very effective at reducing dust levels in your home.

Make sure to choose a purifier that’s specifically designed to remove dust, and change the filter regularly.

Will Fresh Air Eliminate Dust?

Opening the windows to get fresh air seems like a good idea – and it IS for a huge variety of reasons, but not when it comes to dust.

This is because pollen and other particles from the outside will be brought inside.

Also – any loose dust that’s IN your home will be blown about and put back into the air again – which may flare up allergies.

Keep Pets Clean

Groom your pets regularly to reduce the amount of pet dander in the house.

Ideally brush them and wash them outside – so that any particles aren’t in the house when they’re cleaned off.

Clean From The Top Down

When you clean each room in your home, go from the door all around the room to the door, and work from top to bottom.

Any dust that you move when cleaning will naturally fall lower down, and so you’ll pick it up if you clean this way – because you’ll finish by vacuuming the floor.

TIP – Beat rugs and shake other soft furnishings outside – as these can attract lots of dust. It makes sense to deal with as much dust as possible out of the house, so as not to increase the levels inside (less to clean as well!).

Vacuum Regularly

Vacuuming is one of the most effective ways to remove dust and allergens like pet dander from your floors and furniture.

Be sure to get that vacuum cleaner out and thoroughly vacuum carpets, rugs, and upholstered furniture at least once a week.

You may want to look at a deeper wash annually – carpet cleaning can extend the life of your carpets as well as getting rid of excess dust and dirt.

If you have hardwood floors, you can vacuum them as well – just be sure to use the right attachment to avoid scratching the surface.

Dust On A Wooden Table Top, With lady putting her finger through it

7 Hidden Dust Traps You May Not Be Cleaning

Even if you’re doing all of the above, there will still be some areas of your home that seem to collect more dust bunnies than others.

Here are a few tips for how to remove dust from these hard-to-reach places:

Ceiling Fans And Light Fixtures

Dust these areas once a week using a stepladder and a dusting cloth.

Otherwise when you turn those ceiling fans on, the level of airborne dust will increase a lot.

Skirting Boards And Mouldings

Use a vacuum with an attachment to clean these areas. Another option for skirting boards is to wipe them with a damp cloth.

Window Blinds

Close the blinds, then dust them with a damp cloth or use the vacuum attachment.

Air Vents

Vacuum or wipe down these areas on a monthly basis.


Simply dust furniture regularly with a soft cloth or use the upholstery attachment on your vacuum.


Have you ever looked closely at your house plants and their leaves? More often than not they are hiding quite a lot of dust on them, which you can clean off gently with a damp cloth.

The Top Of….

This covers things like kitchen cupboards, wardrobes, bookcases or any other surfaces quite high up and not visible in your home.

These are the places we often miss in our weekly home cleaning, but they can attract a lot of dust if left over time.

It’s always worth using a small step ladder in your clean, and getting up high. If you keep on top of these surfaces then the dust won’t have a chance to settle.

Related: How Often Should You Dust Your House: The Complete Guide

How To Eliminate Dust In Your House - The Complete Guide

And That’s How To Eliminate Dust From Your Home – And Keep It Away…

Dust is an unavoidable part of life, but that doesn’t mean you have to just sit back and accept it.

It stands to reason that if you clean your home regularly and keep up regular maintenance, then dust has less chance to settle and cause issues.

By taking some simple preventative measures talked about in this article as to how to reduce dust in house, you can significantly reduce the amount and create a cleaner, healthier environment for yourself and your family.

Try out some of the tips above and see for yourself!

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