Gold scissors, gold gift bow, and clear sellotape on white background

11 Easy Things To Declutter From Your Gifting Supplies

There’s always a need to buy and send presents and cards to those we love. This process needs supplies to make it as streamlined as possible. That’s great in theory – but can all too often get out of hand over time. So, what do you do if your gift-giving supplies get cluttered? The first thing is to sort through them so you’re only left with things that you really need. Here’s a list of things to declutter from your gifting supplies that will help you make things easier.

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11 Easy Things To Declutter From Your Gifting Supplies Right Now

Within this category of items I am thinking about the following types of things related to gift wrapping supplies:

  • Cards
  • Gift wrap (incl. gift bag, gift boxes, tissue paper, and wrapping paper rolls)
  • Bows, Ribbon etc.. for embellishing the presents.
  • Gift tags
  • Packing for posting
  • Tapes (clear and parcel)
  • Scissors
  • Pens
  • Gifts ready to give / send

But also any supplies to do with celebrations – like party decorations and banners – because I think that gifts are part of celebrating so it makes sense to sort them together, right?

So – whether you keep them separate, or have one place for everything – gather it all up and see what you’ve got – then use the list below to declutter the unnecessary.

Good luck!

#1 – Cards You Won’t Send

If you tend to buy cards in bulk, or when you see one that you like the look of – then chances are there are those that have stayed in the pile in your gifting station / box for ages now.

The reason? Although you’ve liked it when you saw it, they’ve never really suited any specific person or occasion.

If you haven’t sent it by now, really think about whether there IS a person that would love it – and if so – add a note to it to send it to them next time (and add a reminder to your diary that you’ve already got the card ready to send).

If you won’t send it, it’s honestly just clutter right now.

#2 – Cards Past Their Best

If cards hang around for too long in the wrong storage, then chances are they may be a little bent out of shape.

You may be passing them over when choosing a card because it looks less than ideal. If you won’t send it, there really is no point keeping it.

#3 – Cards With No Envelope

Pretty useless!

Some ideas to get around this would be:

If you can’t upcycle them in some way, then let the card go.

#4 – Cards For A Specific Age That You Won’t Need

If you’ve had a lot of kids to buy presents for over the years then chances are you’ve got a stash of cards with specific ages on.

If you don’t know any children that will be those ages again, then time to let those cards go. Donate to charity as there will always be people wanting them somewhere!

TIP – This is the same for age-related balloons and candles you may have around the house

#5 – Old Wrapping Paper

To make a present look nice, you want to use a gift wrap that doesn’t look tatty, torn, crumpled etc…

Sort through what you’ve got, and make sure it’s up to scratch.

TIP – Crumpled paper can sometimes be saved by ironing. Place on your ironing board and put a tea towel over the top, then carefully iron on a low heat.

#6 – Wrapping Paper Not Big Enough To Wrap Anything

I’m all for making things stretch as far as possible so as not to waste it.

But, when it comes to tiny bits of wrapping paper that are left after you’ve wrapped something – you have to ask whether there will ever be anything small enough to make use of it.

If not, you’re just collecting a pile of paper, and possibly also giving yourself the frustration of testing each bit out should you have a small-ish present to wrap in the future.

#7 – Less Than Perfect Bows / Ribbons / Tags / Gift Bags

If you wouldn’t feel great adding them to a present and gifting it to someone – don’t keep it.

Anything that’s torn, bent out of shape, slightly worse for wear etc… is fair game.

#8 – Scissors That Don’t Cut

You’re only as good as the tools you use, and you will waste time and energy trying to cut wrapping paper with scissors that aren’t fit for purpose.

Gold scissors, gold gift bow, and clear sellotape on white background

#9 – Pens That Don’t Write

I hate going to write a card only to find the pen has pretty much run out of ink. It then means that I have to go over the faded writing with another pen, and can start to look really messy.

More ideal is to keep a really good pen to hand for writing cards and labels – one that you write really nicely with as well – and declutter the rest.

TIP – Also have a thick pen for parcel writing

#10 – Presents That Are Past Their Best

I love having a present box with gifts in it that I see over the years that are waiting for the right event to come around.

Related: Why Every Home Needs A Present Box

Sometimes, though, the presents can get damaged if you’re not careful. They can fade, break, etc… – and then aren’t good to give any longer.

The first thing to do when this happens is to work out what you can do to make the storage container a better / safer place going forward.

After that though – just let those gifts go.

Although, if they are still OK (just not gifting OK), then you may want to use them yourself, or donate to charity.

Related: How To Find The Perfect Gift For Anyone

#11 – Old Party Decorations

These can be tricky – as you may have some that are really special to you, or have been in your family for years.

If there’s something really special, chances are you’ll keep using it whatever their state – but if not, or if they’re not special to you at all – then it’s time to let them go.

11 Easy Things To Declutter From Your Gifting Supplies Right Now

I hope this list of things to declutter has helped you go through your own gifting supplies

Wrapping paper, cards, scissors, and all the other bits and pieces that come with gift giving can soon start to take up way too much valuable space in your home.

By decluttering these items you can help to keep your home tidy, and also make sure that you’re only left with the things that you really need and love.

That way – when you want a card or a gift, you’ll be able to find what you need more easily, and the choice you’ll have will all be things you WANT to send…

Read Next: The Easy Way To Keep Track Of Cards And Gifts Year Round

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