November TO DO list printable for the home

Ultimate List of Things to Do in November – Free Printable

Grab your very own free printable list of things to do in November around the house and in your life to help you stay on track with everything. There’s lots of inspiration and ideas to add to your Planner for November, including some fun facts about this month, and there’s even a quote.

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Leaves on wooden background

This is part of the HOW TO GET ORGANISED ALL YEAR series of articles – with a detailed TO DO list (and free printable!) for EVERY month of the year waiting for you. CLICK HERE to get them all.

November is the time of year when…

The nights are darker earlier, the countdown to Christmas has begun, Autumn is truly here, and bonfires / fireworks are in force! โ€“ November is here!

This month is all about getting the home cosy for the wintery nights and preparing everything well in advance for Christmas so that the very hectic December doesnโ€™t stress you any more than really necessary.

Here are some ideas and help on things to do in November, to make the most of the month and make it count.


On the surface there’s a lot to NOT like about this month.

It’s dark, cold, there’s far too long until the next holiday โ€“ I could go on โ€“ but there’s also something I find magical about the nights drawing in.

Itโ€™s cosy and feels like a luxury to close your door to the outside world when the night seems to start so early. It’s now VERY acceptable to have candles lit (my personal favourite!), and it feels like you get lots of quality family time as you’re all inside.

There’s also a fantastic expectant feel to this time of the year with Bonfire Night imminent and Halloween having just happened, and then the lure of Christmas as towns start to turn the lights on.

Who doesnโ€™t love to walk through a beautifully lit town or city wrapped up warm with a cup of hot chocolate, while looking at all the Christmas displays starting to be put up?!

I personally am much more into the build up rather than the event itself โ€“ so November is perfect for me!

homemaking things to do in November

Regular monthly tasks

There are some things that, as a homemaker, you need to do each and every month. Without them, you will start to fall behind pretty quickly.

I wrote a post about these 3 main tasks to do each month HERE if you want to read the full article, but the quick list is here: โ€“

#1 โ€“  Check your diary

#2 โ€“ Sort all cards and gifts

  • Make sure all presents and cards for November are on track to get to the recipient at the right time (post or hand delivered)
  • Check that you have got all the presents and cards ready for December
  • Buy all presents and cards for January

#3 โ€“ Check your bank statement

  • Are all outgoings correct?
  • Are all incomings correct?
  • Are you on track with your budget?

#4 โ€“ Finalise plans for Bonfire Night

Whether you have tickets for a local fireworks display, or are doing something at home or at a friends – be safe!

Make sure you have wellies, warm clothes, fingerless gloves (easier to hold sparklers!), and a torch (in case you are walking in a dark field!).

TIP โ€“ If you have small children, drive as close as you can up to a display and you will be able to sit in the car and see a few without having the stress of getting out and them getting scared. Being in the car will mean they feel safer with you, and itโ€™s a great introduction to the magic of that night!

#5 โ€“ Get the house ‘Winter ready’

Now is a great time to get the house sorted for the colder months: –

  • Get the boiler serviced
  • Get your fire(s) checked
  • Check your smoke alarms

#6 – Top up the emergency supplies

With the darker nights and mornings come more of a problem if there is a power cut at all.

As such – take a bit of time to check you have torches, candles, spare batteries, matches etc….. – and that you have the number to call should your power go at any point.

#7 – Continue Christmas prep

I try and prep like Christmas is November 30th – so that pretty much everything is done and dusted before the madness of December kicks in. (The only exception here is that I like to decorate the house on the first weekend of December – but I try and prep everything I can in November so that everything is ready to go….)

As such – getting presents wrapped, cards written, and other stuff prepped is on the agenda!

For extra help (and the countdown checklist that will keep you on track!), grab the Christmas Planner that I use each and every year….

Deep dive tasks for November

#8 โ€“ Think of your guests…

Christmas usually brings guests at some point, so now is the PERFECT time to turn your attention to guest ‘stuff’ in your home.

If you have a guest bedroom, then check that it’s ready and everything is sorted.

Related: 25 Ways to Make Sure Your Home Is Guest Ready

If you have parties or socialising planned, then check your Home File for details of anyones allergies or preferences (there’s a place for all of this so you never forget!).

#9 โ€“  Sort your planner for next year

Trust me – come December you won’t want to think about sorting out a planner for the new year, and by January you’ll regret not having sorted it already – so this month is the perfect time to get thinking about it!

If you only do one thing about it, then make sure you’ve ordered a new one ready to go – or print off any printables if you buy a digital one for your own planner.

#10 – Get in the loft!

Not the most glamorous of places to go, but now it’s colder outside, the loft is usually bearable. PLUS you’ll no doubt be going up there this month to grab Christmas decorations – so it makes sense to give it a quick once-over while you’re there!

This may take some time, but at least spend an hour or so doing something to make things more organised up there!

Why not declutter one area, or organise what you know you’re keeping?

TIP – Something I use that works wonders is to have a list (loft inventory) of everything that’s up there in your Home File – so you can see at a glance throughout the year without having to get the ladder out and clamber up each time!

Free printable for November

If youโ€™d like all these TO DOโ€™s in one easy to use checklist, then youโ€™re in exactly the right place!

The gorgeous TO DO list has everything Iโ€™ve talked about in this post written down for you to print off and tick as you finish each task:

Things To Do in November

Want a copy?

Your very own copy of this gorgeous (and helpful!) printable is waiting for you in the Free Printables Library.

To get FREE access to the entire library simply click the button below – hope you enjoy!

Important dates in November

Here are the specific dates to remember this month – but don’t forget to add your own important dates to your diary (including Birthdays, Events, Appointments etc….).

  • Remembrance Day – 11th November
  • For the US – It’s Thanksgiving! (Date Changes Each Year)

November facts

  • NOVEMBER FLOWER(S) – Chrysanthemum
  • NOVEMBER ZODIAC SIGNS – SCORPIO October 23rd to November 21st and SAGITTARIUS November 22nd to December 21st

Gift ideas for November Birthdays

I LOVE buying gifts for people because it’s a chance to show them that you care for them and they are someone who means a lot to you.

There are lots of gift guides and gift giving inspiration for different people on the site already, so take a look HERE, but if you want something specific to the month then why not use the September Facts in the section above, and take inspiration from them?

I’ve put a couple of ideas below to get you started, and I really hope they inspire you:

#1 – ARROW BRACELET Playing on the archer symbol of Sagittarius, this arrow bracelet is a gorgeously stylish way of adding some personalisation and theme to a gift without being over the top.

#2 – SCORPIO CANDLE (PERSONALISED) – This would make a gorgeous gift, especially with the colder and darker nights of November!

Leaves on wooden background

And that’s all the things to do in November related to your home life that will keep you nicely on track all month.

There’s fun to be had with Bonfire Night, expectations for Christmas – and lots of sorting out the house for the winter months. It’s time to cosy up!

If you can think of other things to add, or you’d like to share how you get on this month, then I’d LOVE to hear from you.

Why not join the fun in our Facebook Group – Organise My House HQ. There are loads of like minded people there ready and waiting to cheer you on!

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