3 Easy Ways To Keep Your Home Clean AFTER Spring Cleaning
If you’re eager to see how you can keep your home clean and tidy after spring cleaning, then my top tips are below – I hope that they help you see long lasting results after your deep clean.
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After all – you’ve put in all the hard work to really tackle your home from start to finish, it would be a shame to waste your efforts by not making it last as long as possible.

Related: 16 Spring Cleaning Tips You’re Going To Find Really Useful
Method #1 – Create A Realistic Cleaning Schedule
The last thing you may want to do after Spring cleaning is to put down on paper all the cleaning jobs and chores you need to do to keep your home looking great – but it’s worth it I promise!
The main thing to remember when you create a cleaning schedule is that it doesn’t have to be something that ties you to endless upkeep.
Far from it in fact – because you’ve written it all down you can stop stressing about everything that has to be done as you will know you will get to it all at some point.
So – how to do it?
If you start off with what jobs you need to do, then work out how often you need to do it – you can start to see whether it can fit into your usual routine or not. If it does then fantastic! – if not, you can look to delegate or get help.
The main thing is that after spring cleaning you create a schedule that works for you and how you want to keep your home, and that doesn’t kill you in the process…
Related: How to Create a Cleaning Schedule That Really Works!
Method #2 – Keep It Tidy
Above all else, clutter is the thing that can make your home look the messiest and most unclean.ย

Having things lying around all the time can be wearing, not to mention the extra time taken to clean around it all….
I would always suggest decluttering your home as much as you can (basically clutter is anything that doesn’t belong in the space it is in – whether that be because it doesn’t belong in your home at all any longer, or belongs elsewhere in your home) – and starting a 10 minute tidy up habit for the whole family each evening to stay on top of it after that.
If you do both of these things, then your home will always look cleaner and you will find that keeping it clean will be a breeze!
Related: How to Successfully Declutter Your Home – a Step by Step Guide
Method #3 – Create Great Habits
Habits are the main way you can ensure your home stays looking as good as possible from the moment you finish your spring cleaning.
You already do a lot of habits each day that are so ingrained that you probably don’t really realise you’re doing them anymore!
Habits such as cleaning your teeth, bedtime routine etc…
The key here is to add cleaning jobs to your existing habits so that they too become habits for you and you don’t think about them as chores in quite the same way.
Some ideas for this would be: –
- Going to bed? – why not wipe down the bathroom surfaces when you’ve finished
- Finished dinner? – once you’ve loaded the dishwasher make sure you also set it so that the dishes are ready for you the next day.
- Cooking? Get into the habit of washing up as you cook – that way you have a lot less to deal with after you’ve eaten.
…and I already mentioned the 10 minute tidy up habit that I love to use each evening. Ten minutes is really nothing but can make a huge difference (try setting a timer and racing around – it’s amazing what you can accomplish!).
Related: 12 Simple Habits of People who Always Have a Clean Home

That’s the 3 things that will make all the difference to how clean your home stays after you’ve done all that Spring Cleaning.
Make doing each of them a priority as soon as you can and you’ll be able to maintain a clean home all the more easily going forward.
P.S Are you ready to create your very own cleaning schedule, from scratch – with my help? – I can make it perfect for you and your home, so you have much more of a chance of keeping it up – and I can’t wait to see how you get on – CLICK HERE to learn more.…