Pegboard with hats on

18 Brilliant Pegboard Ideas To Organise Every Room At Home

Brilliant ways to use pegboards all over the house – you won’t be stuck for organisation inspiration again with these creative pegboard ideas

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18 Creative pinboard ideas to organise every room in your house

Pegboards used to only really be found in garages and sheds as a functional way of organising tools – but they’ve now found their way into the house!

People really are realising that they’re the perfect way to organise AND display accessories and other items in every room!

So – here’s some inspiration that I’m using to decide how to use them in my own house, and I hope they inspire you too!

The Positives And negatives of using pegboards in your home:


#1 – Inexpensive storage space (depending on where you get it from. the IKEA Skadis pegboard is a great option)

#2 – You can create a personal look – painting them, adding different accessories etc…

#3 – You can match your decor style – whether you pick a metal pegboard, a wooden or plastic one, large or small holes etc… – there’s loads of variety.

#4 – Versatile – uses all over the house AND you can change the layout of them regularly for an update. They make the most of the wall space you have.

#5 – Beautiful to look at – like having a shelf!

#6 – Everything is to hand – easy to grab


#1 – Everything is on display – so there is a constant need to keep it tidy to look good

#2 – More dusting to do!

#3 – Can be expensive if you pick certain types, and/or have a lot of accessories as well such as pots, shelves, hooks etc…

So how can you use pegboards to be more organised, while making them look good enough for display?

The answer lies in the ideas and inspiration below, and I hope at least one of these options works in your home for how you live (because, let’s face it – we’re all different!).

Let’s go, shall we….

get inspired with these Pegboard Ideas for every room in your home

Pegboard ideas for the Bedroom

Love this idea for adding different items onto from the bedroom, and making something really personal.

It would work especially well in teenagers rooms where they can change things regularly, and add lots of different things on as they wish.

pegboard with dream board items on

Pegboard ideas for the kitchen

A great kitchen storage tool, as a way to have things to hand, keep them off the kitchen counters, and allow for different items to be grouped together.

Some great options would be:

#1 – Add inside a cupboard door to hide things away but keep them accessible, and use all the cupboard space well

#2 – Hang lots of small plant pots and create a hanging herb garden on the wall – a great use for a kitchen pegboard!

#3 – Hang one above the cooker and add your utensils to it ready to use

pegboard in kitchen
pegboard with wooden spoons on

Pegboard ideas for the home office

A great way to make a display, PLUS have extra storage that’s handy.

I like the idea of having things like my pens out, but everything being off the desktop, as this would mean that there was more space to work, AND it would be easier to dust the desk too!

home office pegboard

Pegboard ideas for the Home Gym

You may well not have an entire room devoted to a gym (I don’t know many who do), but a corner of a bedroom, spare room, or garage, could be used to create a little space for working out.

That way everything’s ready to go when the urge to workout hits you!

large spaced holed pegboard with gym items on

Pegboard ideas for craft rooms

Whatever your chosen craft (or if you have several you could have one for each, or one large pegboard), you can create a handy board for displaying all those craft supplies that you need, love, or simply want within easy reach.

For example – here’s one I found for items in a sewing room:

But you could equally have one for paint supplies (have a plastic container / baskets containing your paint brush / brushes, small pots of paint, paper etc…), for gift wrapping (washi tape, ribbons, scissors etc…) – and so much more!

Pegboard with sewing items on

Pegboard ideas for Wardrobes

A great idea would be to use pegboards to hang and display accessories such as hats, handbags, jewellery etc…

You can create the exact layout you want, and it can be a really creative way to use pegboards.

Why not have them on the wall in a walk in wardrobe, or inside the wardrobe door?

Pegboard with hats on

Pegboard ideas for the bathroom

I love the idea of using a pegboard to organise makeup, toiletries, or anything else you want in those space each day.

TIP – If you were to add in your daily stuff, then why not create a display where they were in order of use – so you can simply work your way through them. For example, cleanser, toner, moisturiser, hair items, makeup etc… (perfect when trying to add a new beauty regime into the morning routine) –

Pegboard with a brush in a tub on

Garage Pegboard ideas

garage Pegboard with tools on

The most commonly thought of way to use pegboards is in the garage, but I wanted to still add it here in case you hadn’t as yet thought about it.

It really is a fantastic way of organising tools!

TIP – Drawing around these tools would mean that you could see what goes where. Especially useful if you have a few off the wall at the same time.

Large garage pegboard with tools on

Pegboard Ideas For Other Rooms

You really can do SO much with pegboards – so here are a few more ideas for inspiration:

  • Use in a utility / laundry room to hang the ironing board etc… from
  • Use in the hallway for coats
  • Use in the lounge for displaying plants and accessories
  • Use in kids rooms for their artwork (so they can change the display whenever they want)
  • Use for a command centre / noticeboard for family info (the home office or kitchen tend to work best for this)

Want to create some of these pegboard ideas in your house?

Creating a pegboard can be a quick DIY project that really could transform your space.

I’ve given you loads of ideas and inspiration to try in your own home – but I don’t want to leave you there!

To help you even more, if youโ€™re looking for anything specific from the ideas above, Iโ€™ve gathered them together below โ€“ so just click on the images for more details: –

You can find out more about any of the items below by simply clicking the picture – where you’ll be taken to the shop it’s sold in. All links are affiliate links – which means that I get a commission if you make a purchase, at no cost to you of course.

18 Brilliant Pegboard Ideas To Organise Every Room At Home - 350

Lastly… Why not paint your pegboard…

Most pegboards you can buy are white or wood in colour, but why stop there?

You can really go to town with patterns or colours when it comes to designing your pegboard:

  • Blend the wall into the wall by painting it the same colour
  • Make it stand out by painting it in a different colour to the wall
  • Add stripes, spots, etc… to a kids room easily (and you can change it as they grow older)
  • Add a pattern that echoes something in the room already. Maybe you have a piece of art that you could use for inspiration, or a fabric etc…

– the choice really is endless!

Yellow pegboard with hammer on
18 Creative pinboard ideas to organise every room in your house

There you go – loads of pegboard ideas to make your home functional AND beautiful!

I can’t wait to hear how you get on, as I’m sure there’s at least one new idea in this selection that will really change how you use a space in your home.

Are you inspired to get started? I hope so!

Read Next: 13 Genius Ways To Use An IKEA Raskog Trolley In Your Home

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