Teddies Taking Over? 7 Unique Soft Toy Storage Ideas You’ll Love!
Stuffed animals and cuddly teddy bears seem to breed when kids are around. The issues with this are plenty – but none more so than how to store them all! As such, I’ve put together my ultimate list of soft toy storage ideas that will help tame the toy clutter and make their rooms a little less messy. Sounds good, doesn’t it!
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If you have kids, you have stuffed toys.
And as you have more Birthdays and Christmas’, those cuddly toys will increase in number.
It’s lovely to see your children playing with them, making them into their friends, and creating sentimentality about them – but how on earth do you keep them tidy!?
They won’t be getting rid of them any time soon – so let’s look at ways to store them well so that both you AND the kids are happy with the solutions.
TIP – Make sure before you start organising all these cuddly toys that you actually WANT them all, if not, make sure they’re decluttered first (never organise clutter!).
Soft Toy Storage Criteria
There are some key things to look for and think about when it comes to choosing how to store your kids soft toys: –
- Easy access – you don’t want the kids to get frustrated, or for you to be called every time they want a toy
- Easy to put away – the more simple tidy-up time is, the better!
- Easy to clean – both the storage AND the toys!
- Not always falling off – having cuddly toys on shelves means they will fall off all too easily – we have to be more clever than that!
- Looks good (not too messy!)
- Safe for kids – goes without saying…
- Makes the most of the space you have. Whether you have a playroom or just a small bedroom to add storage too – think about using the height AND width of any space you have available and you may be surprised at how much room you’ve actually got.
Quite a lot to consider! But as with all organising projects in our house, a little planning up front can go a LONG way in making sure that what you ultimately decide on will last and work well for your specific home and family.
Below you’ll find all the ideas and solutions I’ve found that I truly think are genius. Some are DIY options, some can be bought – and there’s something for all budgets.
So – let’s get started, shall we…
Brilliant Ways To Store Soft Toys
#1 – Bean Bag Storage For Cuddly Toys
You can get LOADS of designs, shapes and sizes of beanbags that have been created specifically to hold things like toys in them instead of being filled with the usual filling.
I also like the fact that you can fill with spare bedding, blankets etc… as well – but I digress…
This is my favourite of all the ideas – for a few reasons.
Firstly – I am all about multi functional items in a home – and having hidden storage for the toys is a genius idea!
Secondly – This would be a perfect option for a slightly older child as well as younger ones. My daughter is 10 and there are quite a few toys that she wants to keep, but she also has a need for a more ‘grown up’ space. The bean bag would give her somewhere to relax, but also give her easy access to the toys should she want a cuddle!
#2 – Make Your Own Stuffed Animal Zoo!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this – and it would be a definite buy from me if my daughter was still a toddler. Being able to see all the toys and grab them easily, while keeping them contained using bungee cords – is perfect!
You can of course DIY and make your own with bungee cords and wood – but if you’re not handy or don’t have the time, then I’ve found one available HERE.
#3 – Use a Hammock in an Unused Corner Of the Bedroom
Great for over a bed to use a corner that’s not otherwise used (in kids rooms please be careful about what you place, if anything, above their bed – soft toys are a good option!).
You can grab yourself one (or three!) HERE.
#4 – Hang Some Storage From The Ceiling
Keeping toys off the floor, and at kids height, works well.
You can get some fantastic hanging baskets from IKEA that are ideal for this – and you could have one for each child (colour coded if you want to go the extra step!).
#5 – Why not use the back of Their Bedroom Door?
Smaller stuffed animals get everywhere (or is that just in my house!).
I LOVE the idea of using the back of my daughters bedroom door and hanging a shoe organiser on it for them.
This can then be used for accessories as she gets older, so will be a good buy for years to come!
#6 – Use Rods or Poles…
There are two ways to use rods or poles that are border-line genius!
First – how about fixing a pole to a wall, and using the space between the wall and the pole to storage the toys?: –
You could have a few poles and make this into a real feature.
Second – what about re-visiting adding cuddly toys to a bookshelf – but adding in a tension rod at the front of each shelf a couple of inches high – so that the toys can’t slip off the shelf? It’s an easy fix that would work incredibly well, and look tidy too!
#7 – Go Old School With a Toy Basket
You can’t beat a good basket, or toy chest – as it’s the best way to provide hidden storage for the vast amount of toys in your house!
You don’t have to get anything fancy at all – but having somewhere specific for cuddly toys only means that they always have a place, and are easier/quicker to find and play with when wanted.
Some extra ideas would be to hang smaller baskets on the wall as another way to keep them off the floor.
Or using a trunk or wicker basket. These work especially well in a living room so that you can disguise what’s in there(!).
… and lastly – not always hidden storage – but using a fabric basket can be a great idea because they are light and can have handles – so can be carried around easily.
Want to try some of these stuffed animal storage ideas in your own home?
Here’s some of the items that have been used in the above ideas – all curated ready for you to go shopping – hope it helps!
You can find out more about any of the items below by simply clicking the picture – where you’ll be taken to the shop it’s sold in. All links are affiliate links – which means that I get a commission if you make a purchase, at no cost to you of course.

There you have it – loads of soft toy storage ideas to choose from
I hope that there’s one or two that you can use in your own space that will make all the difference.
These work well in most rooms, and I personally have used hammocks, mesh hanging, and trunks/baskets over the years at different stages of my daughters life. They’ve all worked really well.
For now though, I’m off to look at those bean bags – so watch this space for an update on that, as one may well be making it’s way into our home before too long…
P.S. If you want to go one step further with organising toys in your house, you’ll want to take a look next at my post about living room toy storage. It’s perfect for when you don’t want the toys in their bedroom, and gives loads of tips and ideas to help make it feel like an adult room as well as a playroom – so the toys don’t take over too much. Hope it helps!