19 Quick Things To Declutter From Your Toys And Games Now
When was the last time you decluttered your kids toys and games? If it’s been a while, now is a good time to do it! These things can all too easily become cluttered, which is frustrating for both kids and parents. Let’s do it together – just use this list of things to declutter from your toys and games and you’ll be left with only that which is needed and played with. Perfect!
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It can feel really hard to declutter anything related to little ones – but it’s really important to do regularly.
Not only does it mean they can play more easily with the toys they want to play with, but they also learn valuable skills that will stay with them long into the adult life.
So – with your child by your side ideally (better to always have them there), go through this list of things to declutter with them, and reap those rewards…
Related: How To Declutter Toys in 7 Easy [Kid Friendly!] Steps
#1 – Half finished craft projects that aren’t going to get done
We all start projects with the best of intentions, but sometimes life gets in the way and we just don’t finish them. If you have half finished craft projects taking up space in your home, it’s time to declutter them.
#2 – Board Games / jigsaws with missing pieces
No board game can be played when parts are missing, and there’s nothing more frustrating than finishing a Jigsaw only to find that last piece is nowhere to be found.
Again, these are just taking up space and causing frustration.
If you’re storing anything with missing parts, and you can’t find the missing pieces, it’s time to let them go.
#3 – Anything too young for kids now
If your children have grown out of certain toys or games, it’s time to declutter them.
If they’re not being used, they’re just taking up space.
Plus – older kids will be able to see and play with their age appropriate toys more easily when they can find them.
TIP – You could keep one of their special baby toys in their memory box. Just remember that one is special – lots are not – and they take up far too much room in that toy storage than they deserve.
#4 – Anything not played with anymore
This is a tough one, but if there are toys or games that haven’t been played with in months (or even years), and are lying at the bottom of the toy bin forgotten, then it’s time to let them go because they’re obviously not needed anymore.
TIP – If you’re finding this hard, try and think of it as giving the unwanted toys a new home where they will actually be loved and played with.
#5 – Soft Toys past their best
Cuddly toys are great, but sometimes they get worn out and no longer look great.
If your child has a stuffed animal that’s past its best, and it’s not one their favourite toy that they’ve loved for years, then it’s time to declutter it.
Related: Soft Toy Storage Ideas You’re Going To Love
#6 – Excess bathroom toys
There are only so many toys that can be played with in the bathroom – so make sure you keep only a few that are really loved.
TIP – Use a bath caddy or basket to store bathroom toys so they’re not constantly getting wet.
#7 – Excess toys in general
We all know that children can have too many toys, which is why it’s important to declutter toys on a regular basis.

If you find your child isn’t playing with certain toys, or they’re only interested in a few, then it’s time to let the rest go.
TIP – Try and do this regularly so it doesn’t become a huge task. Maybe once every few months or so.
#8 – Old craft items – dried paint, glue, pens without ink etc…
These are all just taking up space and will probably never get used again. Time to declutter!
TIP – If you have half empty bottles of paint, why not donate them to a local school or nursery? They’ll be very grateful.

#9 – Any Duplicates
Do you really need two of the same toy or game? Probably not! If you have duplicates, it’s time to declutter them.
TIP – This is a great opportunity to teach your child about giving to others. You could donate the duplicates to a local charity shop or children’s hospital.
#10 – Playing cards with some missing
As with games and jigsaw puzzles, playing cards with some missing are just taking up space. If you can’t find the missing ones, it’s time to declutter.
#11 – Balls / inflatables with un-mendable punctures
Balls and inflatables (such as space hoppers) are great fun, but when they get punctured, they’re often un-mendable. If you have any with punctures, it’s time to declutter them.
#12 – Broken / mouldy garden toys
If your child’s garden toys are broken or mouldy, it’s time to declutter them. If they’re not safe for your child to play with, it’s time to let them go.
#13 – Old bikes, scooters, trikes
Children grow so quickly, and their bikes, scooters and trikes are often only used for a few short years. If you have any that your child has outgrown, it’s time to declutter them.
#14 – Old games consoles and games
If they’re not being used, you could sell them and get some cash back (add this cash to your kids bank account so they can reap the rewards of the decluttering when they’re older).
#15 – Electronic / Battery Operated Toys That Don’t Work
If the tech has failed and is beyond repair – let it go as it’s not going to be played with again.
There’s nothing more sad than an etch-a-sketch that’s lost it’s drawing capabilities, or a magic 8 ball that doesn’t predict anything anymore….
#16 – An Old Toy Collection
Kids tend to collect toys – and while they enjoy them this can be great. Trouble is – when the craze is over, they can all too easily start to collect dust.
You should absolutely declutter anything that falls into this category, but first (just to be safe) check online whether they are worth anything, as collections can sometimes be worth more than you think.
(For example – beanie babies, marvel characters, care bears etc…)
#17 – Messy Toys
Anything that causes more hassle than they get enjoyed when played are worth letting go. They usually have enough to play with and won’t miss these types of things in the end.
By ‘messy’ I mean things like magic sand, some craft items, slime etc… that can cause spills, stains, and get stuck in the carpet or soft furnishings.
#18 – Dressing Up Clothes That Don’t Fit
Kids grow quickly – and the pile of dressing up clothes that they collect over the years can be crazy (with different outfits often being needed for after school clubs, parties, or school productions).
Go through them just like you would their kids clothes and let go of anything that they’ve grown out of that can’t be used again.
#19 – Anything That Takes Up Too Much Space
Young children tend to have toys that can be really large, which is fine if they’re played with a lot. They are earning their space in the room.
But if they’re not played with a lot – is it really worth them taking up that much room?

Now that you know what to declutter from your toys and games, it’s time to get started!
Go through each item on this list and make the decision what’s toy clutter and what should therefore stay or go.
If you’re not sure (decluttering toys can be hard, for sure), ask yourself these questions: “When was the last time we played with this?” and “Do the kids still love it?”.
Once you’ve decluttered the toys, take a step back and enjoy your clean and organised toy box / cupboard / shelves.
Fewer toys really can be a good thing. Now – doesn’t that feel better!
Read Next: 7 Unique Soft Toy Storage Ideas Youโll Love Using At Home