11 Fantastic Kids Shoe Storage Ideas That’ll Keep Them Tidy!
Children have a LOT of shoes to deal with. Whether it’s for school, hobbies, ‘best’, or just day to day – there will be a fair few to look after. That’s where these clever kids shoe storage ideas come in. Which shoe storage solution will you pick?
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Crucial Things To Think About When Storing Childrens Shoes
The main aim for storing kids shoes is to have them available and ready for use – but also to keep them neat and tidy.
Ideally, you also will want your kids to be able to put their shoes away AND get them out themselves.
As such, as well as the usual storage requirements (size, shape, style, capacity, type of item(s) and location(s)) you will also need to consider their age and abilities when setting up kids storage of any sort in your home.
Put simply, younger kids will need really simple solutions to make them more independent as quickly as possible. And then, as they get older there will of course be more storage that can be used for them (all the way into adult options). Options will be fewer the younger your children are.

But it’s not only age to consider, it’s also their capabilities.
By this I mean that you need to think about the height for wall hanging storage, and the depth of any floor storage for their size.
Also, the weight of any lids and your kids dexterity for opening/closing anything they need to, from a safety point of view.
Lastly – if you have more than one child then you may also need to consider a variety of storage solutions that are suitable for different ages. And you might need to colour code or label it if they share the storage (so they know what and where their shoes are) as well.
Get any of these things wrong and you’re going to have extra storage that will end up without anything inside, because it will be too hard to maintain.
That will just add to the clutter rather than take it away, and that’s no good at all, right!?
Once you’ve considered all these things, you’ll be ready to decide on the right storage for your home – and here are your options:
11 Brilliant Ways To Store Kids Shoes At Home
#1 – Shoe Basket
A firm favourite as it’s such an easy solution that works in most spaces and homes. It doesn’t have to be a basket made specifically for shoes – you can grab anything that does the job really.
Worth thinking about is whether it will house wet or dirty shoes – as the material you choose for the basket could alter with this in mind (for example, plastic baskets work well for wet and dirty shoes, whereas a wicker or fabric basket can be ideal for shoes that are clean and dry).
#1 – Easy Access – As there is no lid it’s really easy to throw their shoes in when they take them off (no barrier, therefore no excuses!). There aren’t any hooks or compartments to sort out either.
#2 – Lots Of Choices – You can guarantee that you’ll find something that’s the right size, shape, material and style for the space you want to store those shoes in.
#3 – Great For By The Back Door – This is a brilliant option for shoes that are often taken on and off throughout the day by kids when going in and out from the garden.
#1 – Messy Look – Having no lid means you can see that everything is just thrown in. This wouldn’t be an ideal solution if you like your stuff hidden away and ordered.
#2 – Unorganised – Not having compartments for individual pairs of shoes means that it would be hard to find the shoes you want at any given time. As such, you may end up with the shoes all being taken out and therefore having more mess when you can’t find something quickly.
#3 – Potential Damage – This ‘messy’ look could also damage shoes from staining, dirt, scuffing and being squashed by the others around them.

#2 – Shoe Trunk
This really is anything that has a lid so that your shoe collection out of the way. I have called this a trunk, but it could really be any container that hides shoes away – like a storage footstool or shoe bench.
#1 – Hides Shoe Clutter – Because of the lid – everything is out of sight.
#2 – Lots Of Choice – You can get any trunk or lidded storage and it will work beautifully.
#3 – Can Use Lid As A Seat – Perfect for sitting to put shoes on.
#1 – The Lid Adds A Layer Of ‘Difficulty’ – for kids to put things away. Yes, I know it’s only a small extra task to lift a lid, but that can often be enough to stop them from doing it!
#2 – The Lid Can Be A Safety Issue – It may be heavy for little kids, and you will want to have one that doesn’t slam shut as this can be painful to say the least for little fingers.
#3 – Can’t See What You Have – This can be a problem for kids especially – who are very visual.
#3 – Over Door Shoe Hanger
You can get these in several forms – from material/plastic pocket styles, to metal racks.
Always think about the size and shape of the kids shoes you’re wanting to store, as this will dictate which are more suitable.
#1 – See Everything At A Glance – You can see all pairs of shoes easily – and even label each section so you know what’s missing and where they all go.
#2 – Uses Usually Wasted Space – The back of the door is one of the least used storage space in most homes. It can be a great option for in their bedroom as well, for this reason.
#1 – Can Be Messy – Some of these storage options can be tricky to balance things in, and so shoes could fall out if not careful.
#2 – Only Good For Light And Small Shoes – This storage is great for smaller kids shoes, or for things like sandals, flip flops and trainers.
#3 – Can Stop Door Opening Fully – If you have a door that needs to be opened fully then this won’t be a great option. Don’t make it harder to enter and leave the room for the sake of storage.

#4 – Shoe Rack
The usual storage idea that springs to mind when it comes to shoes is a rack of some sort. An oldie, but a goodie!

#1 – Open Storage So You Can See What’s There – Simple and effective choice – which is why it’s so popular for many.
#2 – You Can Get Different Heights – You can add several shelves, to make the most of any height you have in a room – which can be a fantastic way to store a big collection (or many peoples shoes).
#3 – Airs Shoes – Because a rack is open on all sides, it allows fresh air to circulate and therefore keeps shoes as clean smelling as possible.
#1 – Can Look Cluttered When Not Tidy – As each shoe shelf is open – and often has no back – the possibility to have shoes fall out and/or over is always there.

#5 – Shoe Cupboard
Whether it’s a made for purpose shoe cabinet, or a cupboard that you just want to use for shoe storage – there are loads of great options out there to pick from if this is the way you want to go.
#1 – Hidden Away – Always a bonus when it comes to keeping things tidy!
#2 – Shallow – There are specific cupboards for narrow hallways that work really well to give shoe storage without taking up too much room.
#1 – Don’t Always Hold Many Shoes – You have to have enough storage space for all the shoes you want to store.
Also for kids shoes it’s worth thinking about longevity. By this, I mean that kids feet will grow so make sure the storage is deep enough to accommodate this.
Also, you may end up needing to store more shoes in a few years than you do now (think: school, hobbies etc…).

#6 – In Bottom Drawer Of A Dresser
You could use this option in a bedroom, or if you have space for a set of drawers in your hallway. Kids shoes are often easily put into drawers because they’re smaller and lighter than adult shoes (and tend to be less dirty if they’re still very little!).
TIP: This can often be a good option for seasonal shoes, as they are stored out of the way. You could also keep these in their shoe boxes to keep them protected. Just make sure they’re clean before storing away for any length of time.
#1 – Hidden Away – As always – a favourite reason for many storage options!
#2 – Easy To Use (No Lid) – You get all the benefits of hidden storage, without the cons of a lid for the kids to use.
#1 – Could Be Heavy In Drawer – Often, dresser drawer bottoms aren’t that sturdy. If you put a lot of shoes inside one drawer (or if kids tend to lean into the drawer when using it) then you could end up with a broken drawer that doesn’t properly close or open.

#7 – Coat Hooks Low On Wall
I love the idea of adding hooks that you’d usually hang high on a wall for coats – but adding them in a small space at calf height and putting shoes on them instead.
Definitely worth considering if you haven’t got space for a big cupboard or shoe racks, or only have a couple of pairs of shoes to store somewhere.
#1 – Quick And Easy To Grab – You can put these right by the door – so they’re ready when you need them. I have a friend who has a pair of hooks for each member of her family by her back door, for their garden shoes – works brilliantly!
#2 – Takes Them Off The Floor – Makes it easier to clean as it empties the floor space It’s always worth thinking about day to day maintenance of any storage you pick. For example – a rack may end up having to be moved to clean around, which can be an extra step that becomes a hassle after time.
#1 – Can Stick Out When Not In Use So Possibly Dangerous – You could choose hooks that only stick out when in use, but if you don’t then it’s worth considering any pets or kids (or ankles!) that may catch on the hooks…
#8 – Crates / Pallets
Another upcycling idea is to use a set of crates or pallets and have them on the wall or floor.
#1 – Gets Shoes Off The Floor – again, easy to clean.
#2 – Shallow – Saving space in narrow hallways – or just streamlining the storage you have.
#1 – Not Right For All Interior Styles – This is a great option for industrial, farmhouse, or country style decor. If you like a minimal or modern look then it’s probably not right for you.

#9 – Art Style Wall Storage

Some storage units can be bought that are modular and colourful – and can look fantastic whether full of shoes or empty.
This can be a lovely idea for a playroom, kids bedroom, or even a more modern hallway.
#1 – Looks Fun! – And they may want to use it more when it feels more toy-like!
#1 – Bulky – Make sure you have enough space for this sort of idea, as it will stick out quite far into a room.

#10 – Hanging Wardrobe Storage
Usually these hangings organisers are used for jumpers and other folded clothes in a wardrobe, but why not create a little shoe cubby or two instead?
#1 – Hidden Away But Still Open – Which makes it easy for kids to grab. It’s also by their clothes and so they can pick an entire outfit in one place.
#1 – Compartments Are Quite Big – So may waste quite a bit of vertical space. If you can find one with shallower compartments then that would be ideal.
#2 – Dirt In Bedroom – If you don’t want shoes in your kids room, then this isn’t the solution to pick.

#11 – DIY Holders Made From Plastic Bottles
A clever way to create compartments for storing shoes is to cut the tops off plastic drinks bottles (the 2 Litre size or bigger). Then you can stick several bottles together to create a DIY solution.
Instead of adding just to the floor in a pile, you could put several into a storage unit – to make the most of the height, and to allow for any shoes to be grabbed without disturbing the others.
#1 – Great For Small Kids Shoes – Quick and easy to make little compartments to keep everything separate and accessible.
#2 – Good Way To Reuse Bottles – Always good to upcycle!
#1 – Can Look Messy – Maybe painting or adding sticky plastic to each section would add to the design aspect of this option.
#2 – Probably Won’t Last Long – It isn’t a very sturdy option, but may be ideal for just one season for the kids.
#3 – Sharp? – Cut plastic can leave sharp edges which won’t be ideal for little hands. However, you can get over this by adding some masking tape around the cut edges to soften it a little.

Best Kids Shoe Storage Picked For You
Always one to help out, I’ve looked around for some of the best options currently available for you – hope it helps!
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And there you have it – loads of fantastic ways to store kids shoes that hopefully will keep things a little more clutter free.
Which will work best in your home?
Don’t forget to think about all the considerations listed at the start of the article, and then you’ll be more sure that whatever you choose will work for you and your family for the longer term.