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23 Declutter Your Mind Quotes [Feel Peace Every Day]

Get ready to feel lighter, happier, and more at ease with these powerful declutter your mind quotes. These heartfelt words will help you let go of all the mental clutter and find your inner tranquility.

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23 Declutter Your Mind Quotes - Feel Peace Every Day!

After writing about how to declutter your mind recently, I wanted to look at some quotes about the same subject.

This won’t come as a surprise if you read my stuff a lot, as I am a BIG fan of quotes of all kinds. Whether it be about organising, having a simple life, or leading a busy life – there are some brilliant sayings that can give inspiration exactly where you need it!.

My advice here?

Choose something from below that has the sentiment of what you want to focus on when it comes to decluttering your thoughts and anything else in your head that you’d rather not have there.

Write it down where you can see it each day (maybe on a post it note on the bathroom mirror?) – so it will be front on mind- until you’ve achieved what you want to.

Hope these all help you have a clearer and uncluttered mind from now on.

Quotes To Help You Clear Your Mental Clutter

“The more we detach from things that donโ€™t add value to our lives, the calmer, the freer, and the lighter we feel” – Joshua Fields Millburn

When we free our minds from unnecessary worries, stress and negativity, we can start to find a newfound sense of and purpose.

So, take some time to think about what matters to you, let go of anything that isn adding value, and find your inner peace.

You’ll be surprised at how freeing it can be!

QUOTE - The more we detach from things that donโ€™t add value to our lives, the calmer, the freer, and the lighter we feel.

“Don’t feel guilty doing what’s best for you” – Unknown

We all have moments of feeling guilty when we’re trying to do something that’s best for us.

It could be everything from taking time out for yourself, spending money on a hobby or just saying no to someone.

But here’s the thing: it’s ok.

You shouldn’t feel guilty doing what’s works for you – and you need to remember that!

Life Quote - Don't feel guilty

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities” – Steven Covey

Quote - The Key is not to prioritize

“If it isn’t a clear yes, it’s a clear no” – Greg McKeown

Quote - If it isn't a clear yes, it's a clear no

“To be simple means to make a choice about what’s important, and let go of all the rest. When we are able to do this, our vision expands, our heads clear, and we can better see the details of our lives in all their incredible wonder and beauty” – John Daido Loori

If we always think about everything at the same level, then our heads can become way too full way too quickly.

And if they are full, there’s no space for working out how to solve problems, do tasks, etc… – and so we get busier and busier – and less and less effective.

Think how amazing having more space in our heads would be!

QUOTE - To be simple means to make a choice about what's important, and let go of all the rest. When we are able to do this, our vision expands, our heads clear, and we can better see the details of our lives in all their incredible wonder and beauty.

“Simplicity boils down to two things – identify the essential and eliminate the rest” – Leo Babauta

Related: 7 Things to Declutter From Your Life To Be Happy Each Day

Simple Life Quote

“There is nothing more calming than an organised home” – Unknown

I always think that homes have a lot of excess noise going on – if you listen!

Your subconscious mind will be all too aware of the tasks needing your attention. The piles or laundry to put away, the squeaky stair, the cupboard door falling off its hinges etc… – they are all needing attention – and unless they’re sorted out, they will continue to do so.

With this thinking, it means that having an organised home will naturally have less stuff that’s trying to get seen and done.


And in the same train of though is the next quote:

ORGANISING QUOTE - There's nothing more calm than an organised home

“Mess equals Unclean to the subconscious mind” – Chrissy Halton

Quote - Mess equals unclean to the subconscious mind

“It’s not about ‘having’ time, it’s about ‘making’ time” – Unknown

Truth bomb: You’re never going to find time unless you make time appear.

It’s not a passive thing that will just happen, because we’re built to make our tasks fill the time we have.

So, be active in making time slots for things you want or need to do – and you’ll feel a lot calmer and more in control every day.

Quote - It's not about having time - it's about making time

“Clutter is not just physical stuff, it’s old ideas, toxic relationships and bad habits” – Eleanor Brown

So important to remember!

It’s all too easy to just think about physical clutter, but often times it’s the mental clutter that’s more trouble…

Clutter Quote - Clutter is not just physical stuff

“Happiness is a place between too little and too much” – Chrissy Halton

Happiness is a place between too little and too much

“Make space to have daydreams about possibility” – Erica C Cote

If your mind is always full of busy thoughts – like the TO DO list you haven’t written down, your schedule that’s full to bursting, or worries about family members – then you’ll never be able to give any time or space to the bigger picture thinking…

Quote - Make space for what matters

“Stop being busy, and youโ€™ll get to know yourself. Stop caring what they think, and youโ€™ll feel calmer. Stop going fast, and youโ€™ll find the right direction” – Maxime Lagace

Quote - Stop being busy and you'll get to know yourself...

“Keeping baggage from the past will leave no room for happiness in the future” – Wayne L Misner

Fill your head with thinking about the past (regrets, worries, ‘should have’s’ etc…) – and you’ll be living in the present and future without actually taking advantage of it.

Don’t let the future be wasted because of the past…

Quote - keeping baggage from the past

“The things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least” – Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Quote - The things that matter most must never be at the mercy of the things that matter the least

“The first step to crafting a life you want, is to get rid of everything you don’t” – Joshua Becker

Quote - the first step to getting

“Don’t listen to negative influences. Believe in yourself, and show others what you can do. Only you” can find your potential” – Marla Runyan

Related: 22 Inspirational Good Enough Quotes โ€“ Because You Really Are!

QUOTE - Don't listen to negative influences. Believe in yourself, and show others what you can do. Only you" can find your potential.

“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy” – Leo F Buscaglia

Quote - Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it just saps today of its joy

“When we try to juggle everything, we canโ€™t enjoy anything” – Courtney Carver

QUOTE - When we try to juggle everything, we canโ€™t enjoy anything.

“When things change inside you, things change around you” – Unknown

It all starts with you and how you feel.

Make your insides happy and healthy in their thinking and you’re well on your way to a mentally clearer future.

Quote - When things change inside you, things change around you

“Everything is a choice” – Unknown

You get to choose. Happy? Sad? Hard? Easy? – yes, there are things that are sent to test us – but we can choose how we deal with everything.

That’s quite empowering, isn’t it!

Quote - Everything is a choice

“Clean your space, clear your mind” – Unknown

QUOTE - Clean your space, clear your mind

“Iโ€™ve noticed when I fear something, if I just end up doing it, Iโ€™m grateful in the end” – Colleen Hoover

However hard I think something is – it’s always easier when it’s actually being done or has been finished.

I think that’s because you are more in control when actioning things…

QUOTE - Iโ€™ve noticed when I fear something, if I just end up doing it, Iโ€™m grateful in the end
23 Declutter Your Mind Quotes - Feel Peace Every Day!

And there you have it – lots of brilliant quotes to help declutter your mind (and understand why it’s so important to do).

What’s your favourite?

When you’ve got a quote that works for you, first write it down somewhere you can remember it every day (a post it note on a mirror works well!).

Next, this is the post you should read as it’s all about how to declutter your mind – enjoy!

If you like quotes, then you’re going to love reading these next:

23 Motivational Mindset Quotes To Get You In The Right Mood

38 Inspirational Quotes For Life Goals You Want To Achieve

10 Motivational Busy Life Quotes [To Slow Things Down A Bit]

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