A great way to track your money. Use this weekly budget template printable (it’s free!) to make budgeting more simple. Know your incoming and outgoing each week – and start to save.
Note: This printable is one of 100+ Free Printables To Make Your Home Life Easier…
What Is A Budget Planner?
A weekly budget planner is a tool that can help you keep track of your spending and make sure you are staying within a set budget.
You can easily check in on how much money you’ve spent and how much you have left in your budget. Plus, it’s a great way to track progress and make sure you’re on the right track with your financial goals!
So if you’re looking for an easy and effective way to stay within your budget, a weekly budget planner is definitely worth considering.
Get A Copy Of The Weekly Budget Template Printable
This free weekly budget template printable can be yours right now!
It’s part of the Free Printables Library available to all subscribers of OMH, and all you need to do to get access to it is click on the button below and sign up.
Note: This template is available in both A4 and Letter sizes, as a pdf template. Although 80gsm paper is adequate for most day to day uses, I recommend printing on paper that’s at least 100gsm for the best results, and 120gsm if displaying the printable. You could also use coloured paper for a more personalised style (I love using brown paper!).
How To Use A Weekly Budget
Creating a weekly budget is an easy but effective way to manage your money. You can use it to track day-to-day spending, manage unexpected expenses and make sure you’re always meeting your financial goals.
Here’s how:
Step One: Calculate Your Income: Start by adding up all the money that comes in each day. This could include wage, benefits, gifts, or any other incoming money you get.
Step Two: Write Down Your Expenses. Anything you spend that day – so you get a real feel for exactly what you’re spending – even the little things (they all add up and are all too easily forgotten!).
Step Three: Compare Your Income & Expenses: Now compare your total income to the total amount of expenses each week.
If your expenses are greater than your income, you’ll need to adjust some things until they’re in balance. Either increasing income or decreasing expenses (or both).
If your expenses are less than your income then you’ll be able to save – and you could still look to increase this to have even more savings over time.
Keeping track daily each week means you can really see what you’re spending and earning – and tweak things quickly.
Perfect if you’re on a very tight budget and want to start saving.
So there you have it – a weekly budget template printable that you can download today.
Why not grab a copy now and get started on making your money work for you as hard as possible.
You won’t regret it!
Read Next: Free Printable Monthly Budget Worksheet