Ladys hands putting a yellow jumper into a box of clothes

20 Things We All Love to Hoard, But Probably Shouldn’t

Stop the stockpiling now!. Here are the things that are all too easy to find piling up at home, but that you could do with letting go of ASAP for a more clutter free space.

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Weโ€™ve all been there – clinging onto that drawer full of tangled cables, the overflowing collection of plastic containers, or those old magazines with recipes we swear weโ€™ll try someday.

Stockpiling / Hoarding / Keeping ‘Just In Case’ – whatever you call it, might provide a sense of comfort or nostalgia, but it often leads to cluttered homes and unnecessary stress.

So let’s look at the most common 20 things you may be guilty of keeping too many of in your own home, so that you can focus on decluttering them and creating more space instead.

1. Old Magazines and Newspapers

I’ve often found a pile of old magazines building up (usually in the Guest bedroom as I think these are great for people to flick through when staying over), but that pile gets out of hand quite quickly!

Even though I’m only keeping ones that I want to read again (1-2 articles max – but I keep the entire magazine lol), they still pile up..

And although you may be like me and think you’ll flip through that magazine again or cut out a recipe, but if you don’t do it immediately, chances are you never will.

What to do instead:

  • Go online – create Pinterest boards for saving articles you want to read again, without the clutter.
  • Or, commit to cutting out the articles you want to save in magazines, and create your own personal magazine file that you only keep what you can fit into it (cull it annually to keep it under control).

2. Unused Kitchen Gadgets

Which have you got lurking in your kitchen cupboards? Me? It’s an ice cream maker, a second veggie cutting tool, and a popcorn maker.

Yup. We’ve ALL got a few too many gadgets in our kitchen – long forgotten gifts from friends and family, food show purchases we thought would revolutionise our kitchen game, and sales items we just had to get for the bargain they were (only a bargain if we use them…).

If you havenโ€™t used it yet, itโ€™s time to let it go. Spoiler alert: You’re not likely to use it if you haven’t already!

Ideally let them go to charity or sell on – someone else might actually be looking for that exact thing.

You’ll get some cash, and they’ll get what they need. Perfect.

3. Plastic Bags and Takeout Containers

Who hasnโ€™t opened a cabinet only to be buried in an avalanche of plastic bags and/or takeout containers?

Keeping a few for reuse is great (especially those plastic bags now we have to pay for them in shops), but when they start taking over your kitchen, itโ€™s time to recycle most of them.

What to do instead: Invest in reusable bags, and recycle the takeaway containers wherever possible.

4. Expired Spices and Condiments

It’s easy to find your kitchen has far too many of both spices and condiments – either through purchasing them on sale but not getting through them in time, simply wanting to try new ones, or buying for a recipe and then never using again.

Expired spices lose their flavour, and old condiments can become breeding grounds for bacteria – so it’s important to go through your drawers/cupboard/fridge and toss anything thatโ€™s past its prime.

Related: 30 Things To Declutter From Your Kitchen RIGHT NOW!

5. Single Socks and Mismatched Gloves

We all have that sad, lonely sock or glove sitting in our drawer, hoping its partner will magically reappear.

Spoiler alert: It probably wonโ€™t.

If you havenโ€™t found the match in months, itโ€™s time to say goodbye and free up that space.

6. Tangled Cords and Broken Electronics

You probably have a drawer filled with random cords, chargers, and outdated gadgets that youโ€™ve been meaning to fix or use.

If you donโ€™t even know what device they belong to, itโ€™s time to recycle them.

What to do instead: I like to add cords and chargers to a drawer in our kitchen – but I label with a date that I put them in there. I’ll go through this drawer every few months – and if I haven’t found the use for anything in there and it’s dated at least 12 months ago – I’ll let it go. Chances are very low that it’s needed anymore…

7. Old Makeup and Skincare Products

You know that half-used lipstick thatโ€™s been lurking in your makeup bag for years? Or that skincare product that didnโ€™t quite work out?

Expired cosmetics can harbour bacteria and lead to skin issues – and they don’t last as long as you think…

Now is the time to declutter your vanity by tossing old products and keeping only what you love and use regularly.

You’ll actually have a much nicer experience getting ready for the day when you have a curated selection of loved items, rather than a whole pile of things that aren’t great.

TIP: When you open new makeup and/or toiletries, write on it with a permanent pen the date you should use it by (it will tell you how many months from opening it’s good for on the packaging). Then you won’t have to second guess what date to use it by.

8. Clothes That No Longer Fit or Suit You

We all have that pair of jeans weโ€™re determined to fit back into or a dress we wore once but didnโ€™t love.

Instead of letting these items clutter your closet, consider donating or selling them.

Your wardrobe should be filled with clothes that make you feel great right now – and chances are high that this more curated selection of clothes will make you happier every day rather than having so many to trawl through that you’re overwhelmed (not to mention the extra laundry!).

QUOTE - Opening up your closet should be like arriving at a really good party where everyone you see is someone you like

9. Empty or Nearly Empty Notebooks

Thereโ€™s something irresistible about a fresh notebook, but how many of them are actually full?

What to do: If you have piles of empty or nearly empty notebooks, consider consolidating the pages youโ€™ve used and recycling the rest. Keep only a few that inspire you to write or sketch.

TIP: I’d much rather invest a few more pounds in a notepad that I love using, than have loads – as I will not only use it more often, and have it to hand (keep it in my handbag usually), but I’ll also know exactly where I’ve written something down, because there’s only one place it could be!

10. Unused or Outdated Tech Accessories

That drawer of old phone cases and extra headphones isnโ€™t doing you any favours.

Outdated accessories just add to the mess and make it harder to find the ones you actually need.

What to do: Recycle what you can and donate anything still in good condition.

11. Toys and Games Your Kids Have Outgrown

If youโ€™re a parent, youโ€™ve probably held onto toys and games long after your kids have lost interest in them.

While some items might hold sentimental value, many just take up space.

What to do: Consider donating them to a local charity or passing them on to another family who could use them.

12. Broken Jewellery and Watches

We all have those broken necklaces, single earrings, or watches that havenโ€™t worked in years.

What to do: Unless you plan to fix them soon, itโ€™s time to let them go. Theyโ€™re just taking up valuable space in your jewellery box.

13. Sentimental Items Without a Purpose

Sentimental clutter is often the hardest to let go of and so can pile up all too easily.

Whether itโ€™s a gift you donโ€™t like or an old keepsake that doesnโ€™t have a real place in your home, itโ€™s time to get practical.

What to do: Take a photo of the item to preserve the memory and donate or recycle the physical object to free up some valuable space.

14. Old Calendars and Planners

Do you have a stack of old planners and calendars filled with nostalgic notes and doodles?

While itโ€™s nice to look back, theyโ€™re mostly taking up way too much space.

What to do: Consider digitising any pages that hold meaning and recycle the rest.

15. Paperwork and Receipts You Don’t Need

That towering pile of old bills, receipts, and random paperwork?

Itโ€™s likely that you donโ€™t need most of it.

What to do: Digitise the important documents and shred anything you no longer need. It’s much better to be able to more quickly find the important stuff rather than have to trawl through piles of out of date or unneeded pages.

TIP: If you don’t have a shredder, and want to make sure you don’t have any personal details in your bin that could be found and used for identity theft, then go over the personal details with a safety stamp/roller – these are brilliant little gadgets and take no time at all for your peace of mind.

16. Duplicate or Unused Home Decor Items

Ever bought decor items with grand plans to switch things up but never got around to it?

I usually find that I’ll just add them to the house, rather than let anything go in exchange – and so things just pile up over time.

What to do: Choose what you truly love and use, and donate the rest to someone who will appreciate them. Going forward – try and use the one in, one out rule, where if you get anything new you have to let something else go to keep the balance.

17. Expired Medications and Supplements

Expired medications are not only ineffective but can also be harmful – and are something we are all usually guilty about keeping.

What to do: Check your medicine cabinet regularly and dispose of any expired medications safely (usually this means taking to your local pharmacy so they can dispose of safely).

18. Gift Bags and Wrapping Paper Scraps

While itโ€™s tempting to save every gift bag and scrap of wrapping paper, they quickly become a storage nightmare.

And let’s face it – will you really find a present the size of that scrap of wrapping, AND remember it’s there when you need it?!

What to do: Be realistic over what you’re going to use. Put it all into a pile that you’ll check before you use anything new, and then recycle the things you won’t use, to keep the piles in check.

19. Freebies and Promotional Items

Promotional mugs, pens, and t-shirts from events are fun, but do you really need 20 of them?

What to do: Keep only the ones you truly like and use often – then donate the rest.

20. Old Towels, Linens, and Bedding

You might have a stash of old towels and bedding โ€œjust in case,โ€ but if theyโ€™re frayed, stained, or just taking up space, consider donating them to animal shelters or recycling them.

What to do instead: Keep only what you use regularly – and have a limit of what you’ll keep. For instance – I keep 2 sets of bedding for each bed, and 3 towels for each person in the house. That’s it.

20 Things We All Love To Hoard - But Probably Shouldn't!

There you have it – all the things you’re probably keeping far too much of in your home right now.

Just remember – having too much of anything is probably not going to give you ‘more’ in a positive way.

More often than not you’ll just end up with more clutter, more work to maintain, and more overwhelm.

The best thing to do is curate what you want to have, and only keep what you can easily store.

And letting go of the 20 commonly hoarded items listed items above is a great start!

So, whatโ€™s the most surprising thing you found hoarded in your home? Let me know in the comments below…

Read Next: 18 Signs You Have Too Much Stuff In Your Home (& What To Do About It)

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  • So pleased you found it helped! Thanks Karla

  • Very useful! Thanks, Chrissy ๐Ÿ™‚