Hand holding a gold bauble

15 Ingenious Christmas Decoration Storage Ideas You Need!

Christmas Decor needs packing away – and it can be tricky to find the right containers for everything. These Christmas decoration storage ideas have been collected to give you all the inspiration you should need to do the job well!

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Over 15 Ingenious Christmas Decoration Storage Ideas You'll Love!

January 6th is usually considered the day that all your Christmas decorations should be down by – and I wanted to look today at how to make this process as easy as possible so you can get ahead of the game a little!

After all – it’s really NOT the fun part of Christmas, is it…

It can be a huge pain to pack everything away, and not only that but it also leaves behind lots of empty space and a much darker room without the lovely twinkly lights of the festive period.

On the other hand…

It also means that the rooms in your home look less cluttered, and you can finally clean everywhere properly without tinsel etc… getting in the way!

It really depends on your perspective in life – doesn’t it!

Whatever you feel about Christmas decorations coming down – it has to be done – so let’s make it as easy as possible with some great tips and products to try.

I can’t wait to get started!

Things To Think About When Storing Decorations

Before we get to the actual storage solutions and containers that I know you’re here for – it would be remiss of me to not go through a few planning tips first.

A little up front thinking will mean less stress, less money wasted, and more ease when it comes to both shopping for the right storage, AND actually using them once you’ve got them.

Related: 5 Key Questions To Ask Before You Pack Up The Decorations

What Will You Be Storing?

It’s worth making a list of all the different type of items you need to store – AND how much there is.

Some homes will have more than one tree, wreath etc… – others may have loads of lights. Others still may love having lots of Christmas soft furnishings. These will all need to be stored differently – so it’s worth noting everything up front.

Think about the following: –

  • Tree
  • Wreath
  • Baubles
  • Other ornaments
  • Cushions
  • Artwork
  • Lights (indoor and outdoor)
  • Outdoor decorations

Where Will You Be Storing It All?

Another big consideration when looking at buying storage for anything is to know the space you have for it.

Things to look at are the actual dimensions of the space (Depth, Width, and Height) so that the item(s) fit in the place you’ve got in mind, and that they maximise the available space wherever possible.

BUT – as well as this it’s important to know how they will get there…

For this I’m thinking of those who use the attic for storage and therefore need to get the storage through the loft hatch on its way to its location.

This is often forgotten, but CRUCIAL in ease of use!

Who Will Be Putting It Away And Getting It Out?

Lastly – it’s also worth thinking about who is actually going to be storing the decorations, and who will get them out next Christmas.

If that person is strong, then larger storage items may be fine for them to handle. If not, you may want to look at more smaller boxes/bags/containers that are easier to manage.

Some items shouldn’t necessarily be handled too much either – such as delicate wreaths and baubles.

These storage containers would therefore be better to have handles on them.

Lady holding a gold bauble

Christmas Decoration Storage Ideas You’re Going To Love!

So – you’ve tackled the planning, and hopefully now have a great idea of what you need, and the type of thing you’ll be looking for to pack things away neatly.

Now comes the fun part!

Here are all the solutions you may want to consider for your own space when storing all your Christmas decor after the holidays.

Christmas Tree Storage Ideas

There’s no getting around the fact that an artificial Christmas tree is a large item to store.

Before you start shopping for storage containers for it – you need to know the dimensions of the tree, and whether you will be storing it already put together, or whether you’ll break it down and store it in smaller pieces.

#1 – BAG IT UP

The easiest way to store it is to take it down, secure the branches so that it’s easy to manage (simple strips of fabric or belts would work well for this), and then bag it up.

I like the idea of a large bag for this – because you don’t have to dismantle it quite so much! – and I’d advise getting the strongest you can, as it will last a lot longer then (branches tend to rip the cheaper versions…).

Something like this specific Christmas Tree bag would be perfect. – but of course, if you have a sturdy enough bag already, then any will do.

TIP – If you’ve had to dismantle the tree and it’s a little complicated to put back together with several sections, then think about making it easier next Christmas by adding coloured labels to the sets of connecting parts. That way you can just join the matching colours and voila!

TIP – If the branches of the tree are sticking out too far, why not use a belt or tie with some twine to secure them a little and make them less bulky.


This is an ingenious idea that I had to share from epbot.com – simply use cling film to wrap the entire tree up, and cut off the cling film next year…

I love the fact that they wrap up the lights and everything!

Christmas Lights Storage Ideas

Christmas lights seem to want to be tangled – it’s their default state in my house, and it’s SO frustrating!

As such, over the years I’ve worked out the best way to store them, and that’s to wrap them around something, securing the ends so they don’t unravel when you don’t want them to.

Lots of things would work for this – and I’d suggest using what you have spare in your home, and what would work for the length and type of holiday lights you’re storing.

You could use any of the following, as ideas: –

  • A wooden pole
  • A plastic bottle
  • A coat hanger
  • A piece of card
  • A cable tidy

If you want a quick tutorial on making your own from cardboard – I love this one from The Crazy Organized Blog – specifically how she labels everything really well. A girl after my own heart!

TIP – Once the lights have been wound around the item ready to get put away, do a final check on whether they work or not. Then you can pack them safely away in the knowledge that they SHOULD work next year!

Christmas Quote

Christmas Wreath Storage Ideas

If you’ve ever tried to store a Christmas wreath, you’ll know that it’s a bulky item that takes up far too much room in a standard box, and is just one of those awkward items you wish you could store more easily.

If you’ve got more than one wreath then it can get crazy! – but I’ve found a really easy way to store them, and that’s to bag them up and hang up somewhere safe.


Whether you’ve got space in a wardrobe, or in your loft or garage – you could use a hook over the door – this is definitely a quick trick to try that works so well, and doesn’t damage the wreath…

TIP – Put a bag over and around it so that it doesn’t get dusty while being stored away.


There are also lots of made for purpose bags that will do the trick as well.

Consider having one with a handle if the wreath is delicate, and having a see through section if you have more than one so you can see which is which without having to unpack them each time.

Christmas Baubles Storage Ideas

Baubles break – easily.

I’ve broken a few in my time, and I can safely say that the splinter of glass that ended up in my finger one time was less then easy to find and remove…. I recommend avoiding that at all costs!

Because they are such fragile ornaments, you want to ensure that you store them in a way that keeps them safe for next year – and of course, they’re also expensive to keep re-buying.

Three ways that I love to store baubles are as follows:-

  • Think of them like you would eggs. Delicate and breakable. Egg boxes / an egg carton or two – can make great storage for smaller baubles, and if you buy eggs regularly these are free!
  • Keep the original storage that you bought them in as they are often in trays that can be reused.
  • You can also get specific bauble storage containers to help which can be a great investment as you can reuse year after year.
  • The last option is to make your own – and I love this tutorial from One Good Thing that makes one using plastic cups in a plastic crate – simple but ingenious! CLICK HERE TO GO TO THIS POST.

Christmas Wrapping Storage Ideas

After the holidays there’s always so much Christmas wrapping paper, gift bags, tags, and related stuff left over!

The last thing you want is to add it to your usual wrapping/present area – as you know you won’t be needing it for another 12 months and it will get in the way.

As such, why not create a Christmas specific wrapping bag that you can store away with the decorations?

Makes sense!

Simply collect together all wrapping / tags etc… and store in a gift wrap storage bag ready to bring out next year (getting supplies in the January sales and storing them for next year will save you money as well).

Christmas Ornament Storage Ideas

Of course โ€“ there are lots of other holiday decoration / ornament types that you may well have in your home.

What about that framed picture, or that wooden reindeer, the nativity scene, or the stockings for the children?


There really is nothing wrong with the good old cardboard or plastic box / plastic container for storing all these different sized things – but just make sure you wrap them up well inside (bubble wrap works well) – and label them (you could do by type of ornament, or by room etcโ€ฆ).

Make sure that each item is safe and wonโ€™t get damaged (the trick is to not overfillโ€ฆ).


Soft furnishings like cushions and throws can be bulky to store – so the perfect way to minimise the amount of storage they take up is to use vacuum storage bags.

These also help them stay fresh!


Wrap tinsel and other delicate items in tissue paper to keep it looking nice

Ready To Grab Your Decor Storage?

Don’t worry – you don’t have to search for things to get that fit these ideas – I’ve done it for you!. To learn more and to buy any of the products below, just click on the picture. These are all affiliate links which means I earn a commission should you purchase anything – at no extra cost to you of course.

15 Ingenious Christmas Decoration Storage Ideas You Need! - 350

Don’t Forget To Label!

Label, Label, Label – I can’t stress enough how important labelling is for your stress levels come next Christmas!

It really is so much easier to look through your storage and be able to see exactly what’s in each box, and then put it straight into the right room before you open it up again.

You can also add in any bits of information such as the photo you took of the Christmas tree decorated, or the outside garden area, or the specific room/area each box is for – or whether you need batteries/string etc…. anything that will make life easier to know for next year.

TIP – Ensure the labels are visible from wherever you store them. Labelling each side of the container(s) make sense, so you don’t have to move it around to know what’s in it.

Over 15 Ingenious Christmas Decoration Storage Ideas You'll Love!

So there you have it! – Loads of Christmas decoration storage ideas

These should make your life a LOT easier when it comes to packing everything up this year.

Just keep what you really need, make sure they are stored in containers that are safe for the location they are to be stored in, store in one place (ideally!), and label everything well – and you won’t go far wrong.

If you can follow all these steps and maybe use a few of the products suggested, then when it comes to next year, Christmas decorating will be a pleasure rather than a chore.

Ready for more? – the perfect next article for you is right here “5 Easy Ways to Get Organised Now for Next Christmas

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