To The Owl Hub!
This is the place you can get lots of advice and tips related specifically to your needs as a Owl.
(This is one of the 4 bird types you could be given when taking the FREE QUIZ).
I hope it helps you focus on what will make the most difference to you on your path towards being as organised as you want to be.

Being An Owl, These Will Be Familiar…
Being Like This is Great In Lots Of Respects – But…
So, How Does The Owl Work With The 3 Home Life Foundations?
These 3 foundations of your home are – SPACE (dealing with your stuff), LIFE (dealing with your systems), and TIME (dealing with your schedule).
Each bird type ranks these differently from 1-10 (1 being the worst, 10 being the best).
The goal is to be hovering around 10/10 for all 3 (knowing, of course, that life happens and things change etc…).
With all that in mind, here’s how the Swan looks:
It’s your happy place, and you love making it as good as you possible can.
You usually have some plans for projects to try – but these are enhancements more than necessities. – 9 out of 10
Your home runs like clockwork with good delegation as well so you’re not the only one doing it. Life of course happens, and throws a curve ball – but you’re never far away from things being under control..- 9 out of 10
You’re generally content with how you spend your time.
There’s a great balance between things you have to do and things you want to do… – 9 out of 10

All sounding pretty good, right?!
Well – yes, but there are always things that you can do to help yourself even more…
You probably have a couple of areas that you can’t seem to get right (your achilles heels) – similar to Monica and ‘that cupboard’ #ifyouknowyouknow, but don’t worry, here are 3 ways I can help!:
#1 – The Owl 1st Steps Guide
When you take the quiz, you’re offered a copy of the free 1st steps guide for your bird type to get started on the right things.
If you’re sure you’re an Owl, and don’t want or need to do the quiz, then you can grab it here too.
Just enter your details in the form to sign up as a VIP subscriber and you’ll get the free guide delivered straight to your inbox (along with regular emails from me containing helpful motivation, handy tips, and special VIP offers.

You can unsubscribe whenever you want but I hope you’ll love them and want to stay!).
#2 – Best Articles For Owls…
These are the perfect read for Owl relevant practical tips to implement, along with motivation to help keep you feeling positive about the changes you want to make. I hope they help!
- Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy – Why You Need To Stop Now!
- When It Goes Too Far: Discover Why Being Too Organised Might Hurt You!
- 8 Crucial Questions To Find the Perfect Gift Every Time
- 32 Brilliant Ways To Reward Yourself For A Job Well Done
- 125 Amazing Ideas For Things To Do At Home When Bored
- 10 Home Essentials You Need For Things To Run Smoothly
- 7 Insider Tips For Selling Things Online – So You Get The Best Price!
#3 – Perfect Help For Owls
Over the years I’ve worked 1-1 with clients and owned this site, I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t – and I’ve used this experience to create some really useful products to help you dive deeper into whatever you’re tackling.
Here are my top picks for Puffins:
Try Another Hub!
If the Owl description doesn’t ring true for you, then why not take a look at the other bird hubs and see what you think. Sometimes another may be a better fit…