8 Key Items To Organise Your Clothes Better
Sometimes, just getting your wardrobe and clothes decluttered isn’t enough to feel that organised. Once you get into it, you want to feel as organised as you can , and that’s where some carefully chosen products can really help to organise your clothes.
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I only advocate purchasing organising products when they will actually help and not hinder your organising and decluttering efforts – and definitely only when you know what you need to store and how you need it to work best for you. You only want to buy things that genuinely help with you staying more organised, so choose carefully!
I often get asked what products are out there that can really help, so here are my favourite wardrobe and clothing organising products, that I really do find help keep things to hand.
1. The right hanger
This may sound like a very inconspicuous and non-life changing place to start, but believe me when I say that if you get this right, you will LOVE your wardrobe, and choosing clothes each day will be a pleasure!
I have reviewed my favourite hanger in detail in another post – CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE.
2. What about below the hanging space?
There is a lot of dead space below the hanging space, and if you organise your hanging there can be even more.
If you organise your wardrobe so that you have all your shorter items of clothing on one side of the wardrobe then you get a LOT of extra space below this – crying out to be utilised in some way (shoes, accessories, fitness clothes etc…).
Boxes, baskets and shoe storage products can really help to make the most of this space. I like lidded items so that they can be stacked (and you can put the most used items in the top one of course!) – you may want to label the front of any baskets or boxes so you can see at a glance whats there as well.
Interlocking shoe storage is also a fantastic idea as you can make it fit the shape of your wardrobe, and you can put anything in them really – doesn’t have to be shoes! – think outside the box!
3. Storage for the top of the wardrobe
Making the most of all available space is key. If you have space above your wardrobe then don’t leave it as a dumping ground for bulky items like suitcases and plastic bags filled with “stuff” (we’ve all been there!). Do you really want to be looking at this every day?
Instead, think about decluttering and making room for some boxes that are great to look at, and that serve a purpose – STORAGE!
I usually look for something that isn’t see through, that goes with the room scheme, that has an easy to pull handle so its safe to get down from height, is sturdy, but that doesn’t weigh too much in itself (as it will be filled with things and you don’t want to make it difficult to get down!). Hat Boxes usually work well.
4. Complete wardrobe systems
There is no reason why you shouldn’t start from scratch with your wardrobe either, especially if you have decluttered and still don’t have space for your clothes.
New systems can maximise the space and personalise for your needs, so may be a cost worth considering.
- ELFA Range of Fitted Storage Systems – now I could go on about these all day – they fit to the wall on just two screws so are easy to take with you if you move, you can have great fun customising them to your own requirements, you could have them open for very funky storage (wallpaper behind looks amazing!), or have doors on the front to keep to a more standard look. The scope is endless!
- ย IKEA Wardrobe Systems – These are great, and great value too. You can again add in loads of specific storage for your needs.
- Of course your local tradesman could build you your requirements from scratch!
5. Clothes storage for inside drawers
Drawer dividers are fantastic, and to my mind not used enough for our clothes.
It makes life SO much easier in the morning to be able to find the exact underwear we need when its all visible, and when everything has its place!
I tend to use these for socks, underwear, tights etc… – such an easy solution!
6. Shoe storage ideas
Whether you choose a hidden away storage solution, or one that can be out and still keep things tidy – it purely depends on how much space you have and the style of your home.
Having an expandable shoe rack inside a hall cupboard works brilliantly well as you don’t need to waste loads of time finding one that fits! and you maximise the available space while you are at it!. They also keep your shoes in view so you can easily find what you need.
The other, more expensive option is to have a shoe cupboard on show. It also gives you a little shelf to put things, and houses a decent amount of shoes very easily.
Other great options would be clear shoe boxes that can be stacked so you can still see exactly whats in them (or you could have non clear boxes and take a photo of the shoes to attach to the outside to get the same effect)
7. Storing accessories
Accessories are always a difficult thing to store.
We have so many different types (scarves, jewellery, belts, hair accessories, gloves, hats etc…), and being able to see and access them all when required is paramount to them being utilised!
An over the door organiser with different compartments can work really well on the inside of a wardrobe door.ย It’s hidden away out of sight, but creates perfect storage for all those little items we all have.ย It’s also a great accessory for a childrens room, and comes in some great colours that can match any scheme.
Tie Holders, my husband will agree, are a key part of any mans wardrobe. They keep much better, are easier to access, and make all the ties visible quickly and easily.
You could also use the in drawer storage already looked at for ties as well as underwear – depending on what you prefer.
8. Hidden and deeper clothes storage
You also need to look at how to store clothes that you don’t need to access every day.
Keeping stored clothes well will ensure that when they are required they will be perfect! – no moths, damp, mouse nibbled etc…. – who wants that to deal with?
The easiest way is to store in vacuum storage bags, which can be put in a variety of different places such as under the bed or in the loft.
Vacuum sealed bags are great as they make the clothes storage required to be much smaller, and taking the air out also keeps the clothes better and fresher.