How To Make A Home Management Binder – Step By Step Guide
If you want to know exactly how to make a Home Management Binder then this post will teach you in an easy step by step way. Learn exactly how to create your own binder, add the categories and tabs, and start to use what will become your homes manual!
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This is the 3rd part of my mini series of posts about Home Management Binders – and is possibly the most important. If you’ve missed the first two and want to go back to them first, then please click the links here – What is a Home Management Binder? or What to put in a Home Management Binder
How Do I Make A Home Management Binder?
My Home Management Binder (which I call my Home File) couldn’t be more simple to put together – but it has the potential to truly transform your home life.
The general gist is to grab a folder, print off (or create your own) the pages, and start using it!
Easy, hey!?
As with all good systems, they are simple to create, and require just a little time and effort to pull together – but you’ll be reaping the rewards for years to come.
– so let’s go through the steps you need to create your very own file:-
Create A Home Management Binder – Steps Needed
Step 1 – Gather What You Need
To create your own home management binder you need the following items:-
- Some sort of folder(s) of your choice (size, colour etcโฆ. to work for you – 4 holed works best for A4)
- Dividers / Tabs that will enable you to find things easily and manage the file better
- Plastic covers. I put all planner pages in plastic covers for a few reasons which I will go through later in this postโฆ It’s also useful to have a few at the end of the Home File to put any receipts / vouchers you have.
- Hole punch for your required sized folder
- Pens of different colours – you could have a colour for different areas, or each person in your home etcโฆ
- Label Maker – to label the tabs neatly (you can of course just use a pen if you prefer)
- Printables / Checklists etcโฆ to add to your Home File to enable all notes to be taken easily. You can either create these yourself using the category help in the this post, or you can get my printables which have been all done for you and are ready to go, by taking a look at my HOME FILE planner available
TIP – My Home File is made up of 6 different sections (TAKE A LOOK HERE) – so you could also split it all up into different files if you prefer, rather than just one big one. For me, I like to have the main homemaking stuff in one place, but I DO create separate folders for both Holidays and Budget Info – as the Holiday file is looked at less frequently, and the budget info is more private so we can keep this elsewhere if necessary.
TIP – Having the Home File in a folder form rather than a book or a filing system makes it more portable, and it’s easier to take things out and add to the sections etc.. as you need to. It’s also easy to store in my command centre space in my house where all the paperwork and admin etcโฆ is kept.
TIP – Using folders also gives you the ability to put each page into plastic files which can hold items that havenโt got holes in โ such as vouchers, tickets etcโฆ), which I find useful. I also like to display some of the pages (such as schedules etcโฆ) so I don’t want holes in the actual pages always.
TIP – I have tested out both A5 and A4 files over the years, and by far the easiest to use is A4. A lot of paperwork comes in this size already in case you need to file letters or info in the folder as well. I also think it’s easier to see what you need at this size – so it’s what I would recommend.
TIP – Always get a 4 ring folder as these make the papers stay in much better which will otherwise cause you daily frustration!

Step 2 – Use The Contents Of The Home File To Label Sections
There’s a LOT of information to keep in a Home File, so it makes sense to use sections to be able to find things more quickly.
I like to use a label maker for this as it makes the finish so much more clean and tidy, and I use the main headings from each planner within my Home File (there are 6 in total – CHORES / MAINTENANCE / FOOD / BUDGET / HOLIDAYS / FAMILY).
Adding the tabs to the file will ensure it’s ready for adding in the Home File sheets (a later step).

Step 3 – Add The Cover Page To The Front Of The File
Create your own cover page or use the one provided in my Home File – but having a cover page on the front of the file completes the look of the Home File really nicely.
I love the Staples Better Binders for this, because you can slip a cover into the plastic sleeve that it allows – which is a real added bonus as it will keep things looking more professional and last longer.

Step 4 – Add Plastic Files To the File To Put Your Planner Sheets In
Because I like to use some sheets in the planners on clipboards and on the wall, I don’t want them to have holes in as that doesn’t look as nice – so I put all the planner sheets in plastic folders within the file.
This means I can simply pull out what I want and use it.
It also keeps the pages clean and wipeable, makes them quicker to flick through when looking for something, and allows me to print off extra sheets (for example, meal plans) and keep them all in the same plastic sleeve.
Step 5 – Add All The Planner Pages To the Correct Place In The File
Add in the pages that you want to have in your file into the correct place (using the contents pages as a guide).

Step 6 – Fill All The Pages In With your Information
This takes quite a bit of time, as you are literally dealing with everything related to running your home, but it’s such a lovely thing to do as it can easily get rid of all those little bits of paper you have had around the house.
Think of how free you’ll feel when you can get rid of the noticeboard with leaflets and business cards all over it, and the pile of letters you’re keeping for certain bits of information….. they will ALL be gone when the Home File is up and running.
So – go through and add the information to the Home File and then recycle the paper – perfect!

And, relax!
You can now relax. Safe in the knowledge that you have all the information you need at your fingertips – and you really won’t know how you did without one for so long!

How to create a Home Management Binder – Step By Step – all done!
I LOVE my Home File and wouldnโt be without it.
Everyone knows where they are, it’s specific to our needs as a family, and can be updated and altered as we change.
… if you’re ready to grab your copy of the Home File to print out and set up, then you can save yourself loads of time and effort and make use of mine – get your copy right HERE.
Read Next: 6 Key Reasons Every House Needs A Home Management Binder