29 Fascinating Time Quotes & Stats That'll Make You Think! - 383 time quotes stats fb

29 Fascinating Time Quotes & Stats That’ll Make You Think!

A brilliant collection of some of the best time quotes and productivity quotes / stats around. Make the most of every second!

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Brilliant time quotes and stats that'll make you think!

Time is a commodity everyone has the same amount of – there are only ever going to be 24 hours a day and 7 days a week – but some people end up using it much more wisely than others.

How is this possible?

They seem to get so much more done – but while it may seem like magic, it’s just great use of the time they do have.

They are simply more productive with their time – and make it all count – doing whatever they want to do in it – but making the choices well so they don’t feel rushed, busy, or lacking in time at all.

And so today I wanted to look at a few brilliant (and fascinating!) time quotes and statistics all related to time and productivity – in order to think a bit about what can be done to make better use of it (whatever that means for you).

Whatever you want in life, you can create the time to achieve it, if you want to – and these time quotes & stats are ones that I hope will put time in some perspective for you – hope you like them!

Brilliant productivity & time quotes and stats

Stop waiting for the perfect time. The perfect time is now – UNKNOWN

Time Quote - Stop waiting for the perfect time...

The average person gets 1 interruption every 8 minutes, or 50-60 per day.

The average interruption takes 5 minutes, totalling about 4 hours. 80% of those interruptions are typically rated as ‘little value’ or ‘no value’ creating approximately 3 hours of wasted time per day.NAPO

Time Statistic

The bad news is time flies – the good news is you’re the pilot – MICHAEL ATTSHULER

Quote - The bad news is time flies - the good news is you're the pilot

There’s never enough time to do all the nothing you want – BILL WATTERSON

Quote - There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want

The most powerful word in the time management vocabulary is NO – UNKNOWN

Quote - the most powerful word in the time management vocabulary is NO

I don’t even believe myself when I say I’ll be ready in 5 minutes

I don't even believe myself when I say I'll be ready in 5 minutes

Great things take time

Quote - Great things take time

Maybe if we all sit extremely still Monday wonโ€™t be able to see us.

Maybe if we all sit extremely still Monday wonโ€™t be able to see us.

The biggest mistake you can make in life is to waste your time – JERRY BRUCKNER

Quote - The biggest mistake you can make in life is to waste your time

Having a schedule that doesn’t fit into your life means you don’t stand a chance of sticking to it – CHRISSY HALTON

Quote - Having a schedule

Focus on what matters

QUOTE - Focus on what matters

Over the course of our lifetime, we will spendย a total of 10 mins every day looking for an average of 9 lost items – DAILY MAIL

This equates to 3,680 hours or 153 days searching!

Stat - Over the course of our lifetime, we will spendย a total of 10 mins every day looking for an average of 9 lost items. This equates to 3,680 hours or 153 days searching!

You can do anything, but not everything

Quote - you can do anything but not everything

Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what TO do – STEVE JOBS

Deciding what Not to do is as important as deciding what TO do

Either you run the day or the day runs you – JIM ROHN

Quote - Either you run the day or the day runs you

The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities – STEVE COVEY

Quote - The Key is not to prioritize

Sometimes it can take me a whole day to get nothing done

Sometimes it can take all day to get nothing done

The secret of your future can be found in your daily routine – MIKE MURDOC

Quote - The secret of your future can be found in your daily routine

Alongside great systems and routines, habits are key to becoming, and staying, organised – CHRISSY HALTON

Quote - Alongside Great Systems and Routines...

You can always do more than you think – JOHN WOODEN

Quote - you can always do more than you think

Make today count

Quote - make today count

Do the best you can until you know better – then when you know better, do better

Quote - do the best you can until you know better

What you do today can improve all your tomorrows – RALPH MARSTON

Quote - what you do today can improve all your tomorrows

The secret of success can be found in the daily routine – UNKNOWN

Quote - the secret of success is

Run the day – don’t let the day run you – UNKNOWN

Quote - run the day, don't let it run you

Slow progress is still progress

Quote - slow progress is still progress

It’s not about ‘having’ time, it’s about ‘making’ time – UNKNOWN

Quote - It's not about having time - it's about making time

Wake up and smell the routine

Quote - Wake up and smell the routine

On average we spend one year of our lives looking for lost items.

Thatโ€™s over 8,700 hours looking for lost or misplaced things! – NAPO

Time Statistic

Itโ€™s not the hours you put in, itโ€™s what you put into your hours that counts – Thibaut

QUOTE - Itโ€™s not the hours you put in, itโ€™s what you put into your hours that counts.
Brilliant time quotes and stats that'll make you think!

There you have it, all the productivity / time quotes and stats you could want!

I hope they have helped you re-think how you’re spending some of your time, and maybe, just maybe, you will be able to get even more out of your day from now on…

Good luck!

P.S. Want more like these time quotes? – why not head over HERE to see some fantastic quotes all about simplifying life (because that will save time too!)

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