11 Handy Standing Desk Storage Ideas Your Home Office Needs!
If you’re in the market for a standing desk, or already have one – then storing your home office supplies around it can be tricky. Let’s explore all the different standing desk storage ideas you could choose – and see what’s best for your needs to tame the clutter.
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With standing desks becoming more and more popular with people wanting to be a little more healthy when working at a desk all day, there is a real need to talk about storage for such desks.
I’ve considered a standing desk – but as I tend to work all over the house, and in various coffee shops, then I haven’t taken the plunge as yet.
But I’m tempted!
However, there is one issue with a standing desk, and that’s that unlike a standard office desk, standing desks don’t come with any built in storage space apart from possibly one slimline drawer under the desktop.
This is a good and bad thing.
Good because you get to choose how much, what and where you want it – and bad because it adds extra cost and hassle when creating your work and desk setup.
So how do you choose the right storage option for your home office that fits all you need, without it looking or functioning bad for you?
Things To Consider When Picking A Storage Solution For Your Standing Desk
#1 – Standing Desks Move Up And Down
Because of this, you’ll need all your storage to work for ANY height that the desk can be. Think not just about storage, but also any sitting/standing space, available vertical space, wires that need to stretch etc…
#2 – How Much Do You Really Need To Hand When Working At Your Desk?
With the mobility of standing desks, maybe you’d be better off using storage for most things elsewhere in the room. Now is probably the time to minimise what you’re storing around the desk.
#3 – Where Will You Need The Storage Around The Desk?
There are 4 main areas to consider:
- On top of the desk
- Attached to the desk top on the underside
- On the floor underneath the desk
- On the wall above the desk
With all these considerations in mind, let’s look at the different options you’ve got available to you.
Work out what will be best for your needs, and you’ll have the best storage for your standing desk – ready for work to start!

3 Standing Desk Storage Options For On Top Of The Desk
#1 – Monitor riser with in built storage
Yes, there’s no real need for a riser when you’ve got a standing desk, because it will be able to get to the level you want it to be.
But sometimes (when you’re sitting) you may want it slightly higher than the desk, or you just may want to take advantage of the extra storage that a riser allows (that’s really handy to grab), so a monitor stand with built in storage is definitely worth considering.
#2 – Desktop book rack
A bookcase on the wall will be impossible in the space directly above the desk because it would have to be pretty high to avoid getting in the way of the desks movement.
As such – why not have a book rack on the desktop space itself?
You can get some adjustable ones that work well, with a little integrated storage too.
#3 – General desk storage solutions
And of course – you’ve got all the usual desk storage accessories like pen pots and letter trays.
The only things to consider here are the space you’ve got available – the weight of the items (so they don’t hinder the movement of the desk), and whether they’d topple over when the desk moved.
Things like this paper rack would work well as it’s sturdy, you can access everything, and it won’t be easy to lose any paper when it moves…
4 Standing Desk Storage Options That Attach To The Desk
#4 – Hanging shelf
These are brilliant in kitchen cupboards when the shelves are quite far apart – as it means you can add in more items than you would normally.
They are just as good for adding storage to the small space below the actual desktop!
#5 – Pull out drawer
These handy drawers create the look of a fitted desk drawer, and hides everything away. The perfect solution for pens and any little stationary items you need easy access to.
#6 – Cable holder
It’s worth thinking about any wires you’ll need attached to items in and around the desk space – and having good storage for them.
These wires have to be long enough to reach from the furthest point the item would be from the power point – dependant on the height of the desk.
#7 – Hook
Adding a few hooks to the side of the desktop is the perfect place for headphones, bags, or anything with a loop on it that you want to grab frequently while working.

2 Standing Desk Storage Options For The Floor Under The Desk
Whenever you’re picking storage for the floor under your desk, you need to make sure that the highest part of the cabinet / trolley / bookshelf is lower than the lowest part of the desktop.
Just so it always fits!
#8 – Drawers or filing cabinet on castors
I love this idea, because you can move the drawers to wherever’s best in your workspace when you’re sitting or standing.
As the rest of the desk (and you!) are mobile by nature, then why not your storage too!
#9 – Low bookshelf against the wall
Again, a great option.
If you get a deep shelf (make sure you can sit and have your legs under the desk comfortably if you do this), you could house things like your printer out of the way…
2 Standing Desk Storage Options For The Wall
When picking storage for the wall around the standing desk, there are 2 things that are worth thinking about.
Firstly – you could stand the desk slightly away from the wall – so there is some room for the desk to move up and down while avoiding any narrow storage solutions you may want to have on the wall.
Secondly – if you want to be able to see the wall storage at different levels, then you could move it up and down depending on the level of the desk. To do this, have two hooks or nails that you can move anything between. (Just be sure to move it before the desk goes up or down to avoid it getting caught).
#10 – hanging foldout file organiser
I love these little files – as you can have them open while working, and then fold it up and put in your bag when you need to go out.
#11 – Noticeboard / Rack
An oldie but a goodie! These can look great on any home office wall, and adds a touch of colour / style to the room.
Do You Need A Full Standing Desk?
If you want the option to stand, along with the storage of a ‘normal’ desk with drawers etc.., then why not have a desktop adjustable section that acts like a standing desk instead?
This works well if you only occasionally want to stand, but have a smaller room that doesn’t allow as much extra storage away from the desk that you’d probably need if you had a full standing desk.

So which of these standing desk storage ideas are you going to use?
I would probably have a mix – with a drawer or two, a noticeboard, and a trolley filing cabinet that was low enough for my printer to be on top.
In fact – it’s making me want to go and get a standing desk right now!