2 Decluttering Baskets with Donate and Keep written on them

16 Essential Decluttering Supplies You Always Need Ready

Create the perfect toolkit ready to tackle the clutter in your home, with this useful list of essential decluttering supplies you’ll need to have to hand.

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16 Essential Decluttering Supplies You'll Need To Have Ready!

Decluttering is a pretty straightforward task at first glance, but it can get very overwhelming and messy before long if you haven’t prepared and planned things out well.

That’s the last thing you want – it’s a big enough job to sort through everything in a space/room/home as it is!

The answer, as the scouts/guides so rightly say – is to “be prepared”.

And that’s where having a decluttering kit comes in really handy.

Whenever I declutter for myself or for clients in the past – having the right decluttering supplies to hand has saved time, energy, and a little sanity along the way – and I hope it does the same for you.

So – here’s the list that I’d recommend – along with a little reasoning behind each one, so you can decide if you need it or not.

Decluttering Supplies List

Because having the right tools for any job is an essential – not a luxury…

Your Plan Of Action / Checklist

Having a plan is crucial – no matter how basic or detailed you prefer.

If you don’t track what you’re doing, and your goal(s), then the whole process will become a lot more difficult than it needs to be.

So – grab a few sheets of paper and write your plan of action down (i.e. the space(s) you’re going to declutter, in what order, what goes where etc…), or print off a decluttering checklist if you have one available for the space you’re tackling first – and get started!

Need a full step by step plan you can follow – along with extra help and motivation along the way? Take a look at The Declutter Equation. It may be exactly what you’ve been waiting for…

Notepad / Paper And Pen

No matter what job you’re doing, having the ability to jot down notes as you go is so handy – for many reasons.

  • If you think of something else you need to do while you’re working – you can write it down and not get distracted by it there and then.
  • You can write down any shopping that is needed for the job you’re doing (with decluttering this could be that you see that a cupboard door is loose and needs a new hinge, for example)
  • You can make lists of things you want to check on after your decluttering. For example – you found something to get rid of but want to check its value so you can decide whether to sell it or donate it.

Post It Notes

These are fantastic because you can easily add a label or note to an area in the room you are decluttering, without need for notes of paper attached with sticky tape (which can damage surfaces as it’s too sticky for this really!).

I tend to use it to label cupboards with the items I want to house in them when I’ve finished decluttering – so I can easily see what goes where and I can quickly move things to their rightful place.

Sticky Labels

These are great for the areas that you DO need a more permanent style label – for things like labelling boxes with what’s in them, and bags for where you want them to go (i.e charity, recycling etc…)

Marker Pen

Ideally a thick pen for writing on all those labels and post it notes. It should be clear enough to see what’s written from across the room ideally.

Sturdy Black Bin Bags

Black bin bags that hold a decent amount of weight without tearing are perfect for decluttering as they can be stored in a small space (unlike boxes and other containers) but you can get a lot of storage out of them as well.

I like to use them for things like ‘proper’ rubbish – things that will end up at the tip / dump. Also for clothes and other lighter items.

For heavier items, you’ll need something else…

Sturdy Large Containers

If you’re giving things to charity and wanting to leave the containers with your donation, then cardboard boxes are perfect.

If you’re able to keep the containers, then plastic boxes are even better – as they are the most sturdy.

In your own home – if you’re keeping items but for different rooms – then baskets may also work well.

Basically – any containers will work, but you need to pick the right containers for the amount of stuff you’re decluttering, and the type of stuff as well (books are heavy and so will need sturdy containers but not too large as they will become too heavy to lift very quickly, for example – whereas smaller items can be put into small baskets or bags).

Related: Where To Start Decluttering โ€“ 5 Fantastic Options To Try

2 Decluttering Baskets with Donate and Keep written on them

Trestle Table

Ideally you want to always have a working space to do all that sorting out when you’re decluttering.

Having a fold out trestle table works brilliantly for a couple of reasons:

  • If you struggle bending to the floor a lot – then this means you can work at a better level
  • If your floor is full of stuff, then you can put a table in the middle (it only needs space for the 4 legs) – and you instantly gain extra surface space


A sheet or blanket can be a great idea to have to hand, because it will protect the floor while you declutter.

If you have carpet – then it could prevent stains or dust/dirt

If you have hard floors, it could prevent them being scratched.

TIP – When decluttering clothes in your bedroom – you could put the sheet on the bed to protect the bedding from getting dirty.


REALLY useful when you’re trying to see at the back of cupboards or behind furniture. Even more useful in a dark loft / basement or garage…


Handy again for reaching high shelves, the top of wardrobes, the back of cupboards, or even getting into the loft!

Sharp Knife / Scissors

Really handy for opening boxes etc…

Gloves – Cleaning & Tough Ones

Decluttering reveals a LOT of mess – and you end up in the dirtier places of your home at times too.

As such, having a set of cleaning gloves means you can keep the dirt off your hands, but I’d also recommend having a set of tough gloves too such as gardening gloves / heavy duty ones.


Because in a garage or shed, for example, there may well be a lot of broken glass or sharp objects – and you don’t want to accidentally cut yourself as you reach for something…

Hand Held Vacuum

The easiest way to get that excess dust off things quickly and cleanly. Because there will be dust. Lots of it….

Cleaning Cloth And Polish / Wipes

Once all the dust has been taken care of, and the items in a space have been taken away to be sorted out, then it’s the perfect time to give surfaces a quick wipe down ready for the stuff to go back on / in them.

Comfy Clothes & Suitable Shoes

I’ve mentioned gloves for safety already, but it’s worth also having the rest of your body covered properly when you’re doing any decluttering.

Shoes mean you’re protected from stepping on anything sharp and cutting yourself (easily done when you’re sorting through everything and it’s all been put out on the floor). Even hard soled slippers are fine for the inside the house decluttering jobs mostly (but ideally shoes that will also protect your feet if you drop anything on them as well…)

Plus – wearing comfy clothes means you’ll be able to move around more freely (decluttering is physical work). Have a set of clothes that you don’t mind getting dusty and dirty, ready and waiting to grab and throw on.

TIP – Even an apron or similar is a good idea for when you have only got a few minutes to declutter and don’t want to get fully changed…

Related: Best Ways to Declutter – 4 Methods That Can Work For You

Grab Your Decluttering Supplies Here:

I’ve collected together some brilliant options for each of these supplies that I’ve talked about above – so it’s quick and easy for you to shop. To see more details about any of them, just click on the picture(s) below.

Please note that these are all affiliate links which means I earn a commission should you purchase anything – this is at no extra cost to you at all – of course.

16 Essential Decluttering Supplies You Always Need Ready - 350
16 Essential Decluttering Supplies You'll Need To Have Ready!

Have You Got All These Decluttering Supplies Ready To Go?

If not – it’s definitely worth gathering them together today.

After all – if you have a few minutes spare at any point, you’ll be able to use it all on decluttering rather than sorting things out ready to declutter – and that will save you LOTS of time and energy in the long run.

Imagine how much more quickly your decluttering could be finished now you’re all prepared and ready for action whenever the decluttering mood hits…

Read Next: Over 60 Amazing Decluttering Tips For A Clutter Free Home

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