Welcome to…

The Declutter Equation

The step-by-step, expert-designed program that will transform your home from a stress creator to a stress reliever – and keep it that way.

(Even if you’re convinced your house is the one that can’t be fixed).

The Declutter Equation - Full Program
PRODUCT – The Declutter Equation – Home Decluttering Course That Works - iris enroll 1
The Declutter Equation - Full Program
PRODUCT – The Declutter Equation – Home Decluttering Course That Works - iris enroll 1

Because Right Now, Your Clutter Is Making You…

#1 – STRESSED & FRUSTRATED. You just want to be able to find things when you need them, get on top of the chores so you’ve got time for other things you want to do – and be proud enough of your house to invite people over.

#2 – OVERWHELMED & EXHAUSTED. Your home feels SO full with ‘stuff’, and you don’t know where to start sorting it out. EVERYTHING needs tackling – it’s all just too much.

#3 – RUSHED & OUT OF CONTROL. You’re always playing catch-up, too busy reacting to things that need your attention straight away, and you feel like your home’s running you rather than the other way around.

You’ve lost that pride in your home that you want to get back = because it just doesn’t feel right anymore. You’re embarrassed with where you are, and tired of feeling guilty that you haven’t got things under control already.

& You’re Not Alone…

Yup. Even Though You know that Dealing With Your Excess Stuff Will Save You Time, Energy, & Money…

(Not To Mention Your Sanity…)

… decluttering (properly) has never quite managed to get to the dizzy heights of the top of your TO DO list. There’s always been something more urgent to deal with (#life).

Unfortunately though, that means that you’ve been putting up with the chaos for WAY too long..

But Recently, It’s Different…

You’ve now reached the point where it’s not IF you get it done, it’s WHEN… and ‘when’ starts right here, right now…

TDE pic - if you change nothing, nothing will change

It’s time to Imagine How Things Could be…


You Feel Proud Of Your Home Again…

Picture this: your home is no longer a source of stress but a source of pride. Every room feels intentional, every space serves a purpose. It’s not about being Pinterest-perfect—it’s about creating a home you love living in every single day.


Your Home Feels Like A Hug

You can walk through your front door and feel instantly at ease. No piles of “I’ll deal with that later” staring back at you. Just a space that’s calm, clear, and yours—a place that feels like a big, warm hug after a long day.


Goodbye, Overwhelm!

Right now, life might feel like you’re juggling too many balls—and clutter is that extra one that keeps falling and rolling under the couch. After this program, you’ll finally let go of the extra weight, breathe easier, and find a rhythm that works. Overwhelm, who?


You’ll Have Time For What Matters

Do you ever feel like your to-do list is just… clean up, clean up, clean up? What if instead, you had the time to sit with your kids for a game, start that hobby you’ve been dreaming about, or just binge your favourite show guilt-free? A clutter-free home makes space for the things you truly love—not just the things you “have to do.”


You’ll Love Having Guests Over…

Oh, the panic when someone texts, “I’m popping by in 5!” You scramble to shove stuff in a closet, praying it won’t burst open mid-visit. Sound familiar? Imagine the relief of opening the door with a smile instead of an apology. With this program, that’s your new normal.


You’ll Get Your Mojo Back

Clutter isn’t just stuff—it’s work. It drains your time, your focus, and let’s face it, your energy. When you clear it out, you’ll be amazed at how much lighter you feel—like you’ve just set down a backpack you didn’t even realise you were carrying.


You’ll Have Stronger Relationships

Clutter can cause stress, arguments, and tension—whether it’s over missing keys or the ever-growing pile of mail. A clutter-free home helps create a happier, more harmonious environment for everyone. Imagine less nagging, fewer fights, and more days where everyone stays calm.


You’ll Feel Ready To Take On Anything!

Decluttering is like flexing a new muscle. The more you practice, the stronger you feel. With this program, you’ll build the confidence to make decisions about your home (and maybe even your life!) without second-guessing yourself. You’ve got this.

Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not just a dream—it’s absolutely possible, and you deserve every bit of it.

With the right steps, tools, and mindset, you can transform your home into a space that feels lighter, calmer, and completely manageable. I know because I’ve done it in my own home—and I’ve helped hundreds of others just like you make it their reality too.

And here’s the best part: you don’t have to figure it out on your own. With this program I’ll be right here, guiding you every step of the way, so you always know exactly what to do and how to keep the momentum going.

Let’s do this together.

Hi, I’m Chrissy.

Your decluttering secret weapon

I’ve got over 20 years experience helping people just like you to sort out their homes and create spaces they love living in.

12 of those years were spent running my own Home Organisation And Styling Business, and that overlapped with starting OrganiseMyHouse.com which started in 2010 and is now my my full time gig.

I’ve worked with many happy clients and customers, with lots of different shapes & sizes of homes. I’ve seen it all, and created solutions for each and every one that worked for their owners beautifully.

People I’ve helped declutter in their own homes with these methods have seen HUGE benefits – all related to their own lives.

These have included not needing to move house because they’ve got space for everything, having kids playing for ages happily because they can see what they have and enjoy it more, starting to cook again because their kitchen works for them, and even being able to start a business when they previously had no time and were unable to think for all the mess around them.

And it’s not just clients that decluttering has helped…

My own family benefit from a clutter free home. The anxiety I’ve suffered with for years has decreased, we have more time for each other, and we actually enjoy being at home (so much so that we often can’t wait to get back even when on holiday!).

These benefits could be YOUR reality too.

Every.Single.Day from now on!

I truly want you to create the home you deserve. The Declutter Equation is the best possible way to start on that journey.

I’m so excited to welcome you into the program and see your fantastic results!

Chrissy Owner of OrganiseMyHouse.com
Lady sitting and writing in books and planners
Chrissy sitting in front of window
PRODUCT – The Declutter Equation – Home Decluttering Course That Works - learn more 1

“I have a home I’m proud to invite people into rather than feeling ashamed of what’s hiding behind each door. Thank you!”

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“I desperately needed to get on top of all the clutter and mess for so many reasons … & it had become a mountain too high to climb so was just getting worse by the day.
I love my home now and I feel relaxed as I walk in (mostly!) rather than immediately stressed. 
I’ve made some money from selling things but mostly I’ve given things away which has been a joy. I now rarely waste time looking for things that are lost which previously was a feature of day to day life.
I have a home I’m proud to invite people into rather than feeling ashamed of what’s hiding behind each door. Thank you!”
Kate B

“We are so nearly finished with our house declutter and it feels amazing!

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Our house is by no means a show home, but it is lots clearer, and takes a fraction of the time to tidy.
In fact someone came into our home for the first time the other day and said “This house is so tidy considering you have four kids…”
I feel really positive about the fact that we now have space to live and play and work and relax”
Lucy Rycroft

“I’m the happiest person on earth!

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I’m writing to you to announce my clutter free house. I’m the happiest person on earth!”

Yes. This Program Is the closest thing To Hiring A Professional 1-1…

Whats included ?

Take A Peek Inside…

Along with a very warm welcome and all the info you need to find your way around the program, here’s what you’ll find when you join The Declutter Equation™


M (Masterplan) + M (Method) + M (Maintenance) + M (Mindset) = Clutter Free If one of these is missed, then you’ll find success so much harder. Each one plays a crucial part in the process, and I can’t wait for you to see why…

Lady sitting and writing in books and planners

Module #1 – Create Your Masterplan

Everything starts with a good plan – and decluttering is no different. In fact- having a plan means you’re giving yourself all the foundations for real success.

In this module we’ll go deep into WHY you’re doing this (to give you the all important motivation), and we’ll look at practical things like WHAT you’ll do with your time and the stuff you let go of.

Then we’ll move on to creating your very own HOME PLAN (the real secret sauce!), and even look at your HOME STYLE (yes, that’s crucial too…).

Module #2 – Learn The D.E.C.L.U.T.T.E.R Method

This module will train you in the art of decluttering – BEFORE YOU LIFT A FINGER!

I’ll teach you my easy but effective D.E.C.L.U.T.T.E.R method – which takes you through exactly what to do and when – so you’ll feel totally empowered to go and get stuck in to your own home.

Reading a book in bed
Picture Of A Lady Sorting Clothes Clutter In A Bedroom

Module #3 – Use The Method Like A PRO!

This is where the practical, hands-on decluttering starts, and there’s LOADS of advice and help for every area of your home, and you won’t ever feel like you’re doing it alone.

In fact, if you ever DO feel like you’re struggling (which we all do at some point, with some items in our homes), you can simply dip into the stumbling blocks section I created, where I’ll talk you through specific things as you need them (in little audio clips, just like I would chat you through it if I were with you) – so you’ll be able to carry on making progress instead of getting stuck.

You’ll really enjoy seeing your clutter free home emerge – one room at a time!.

Module #4 – Maintain For Long Term Success

In this last module of the program, we’ll look at all the tools you need to ensure your home stays clutter free so you never get stressed by your stuff again…

You could stop after the decluttering has finished – but if you want things to last, there’s more that I want to help you with. I won’t leave you yet!

Lady in yellow tshirt making a heart with her hands
Lady with her back to eth camera while in the countryside with a sun hat on

Woven Throughout – Get Your Mindset Right!

Alongside each module we will chat about MINDSET – the KEY area so often forgotten in decluttering, but that will help boost you, motivate you, and spur you on to all the success you crave

In various videos and audios I’ll take you through different ways you can think about things that you may not have thought about before – to change your perspective and empower yourself to make the changes you want.

Also Includes A Companion Workbook

A gorgeous 93 page pdf that you can print out and use to easily follow the program and keep track of everything.

You’ll have the step by step actions, checklists, diagrams, and a whole lot more at your fingertips. So handy!

The Declutter Equation - Workbook
  • ideal for notes & To see your progress

PLUS – You Also Get 3 Amazing Bonuses:

The Declutter Equation - Workbook in Fillable Digital Format
Value $59

Fillable Workbook (Paperless Version)

Along with the printable version of the workbook that’s included in the program, I’ve also included a digital version.

Not only will this save on printing costs, but you’ll also have no extra paper clutter to deal with!

It comes in a pdf format that’s got fillable fields. You simply download and save to your computer, then fill in as you go.

The Declutter Equation Q&A Vault
Value $99

Q&A Vault For On The Spot Help

Lots of seemingly random questions will crop up for you during your decluttering. I’ve seen the same ones crop up again and again, but at different points and with different people.

As such – I’ve created this vault. It’s the place where you can get an answer from me of all those questions – ready and waiting for exactly when you need them.

Each one has its own separate audio clip – so you can simply search for the question you want the answer to, and hit play. It really is like I’m there with you!

Working outside with laptop and coffee
Value $299

Private Facebook Group Support

Not feeling alone is a HUGE part of successful decluttering – so I want to make sure you have a place to ask questions and get help/advice as and when you need it.

Also – it’s a fantastic place to be able to share your wins and progress with people who ‘get it’. Because it’s private, only members of the program will get access – so it’s a safe space that none of your friends and family can see (unless they’re doing the program as well!)

Yes! You Get Everything You Need For Success

The Declutter Equation - Full Program incl. Bonuses
PRODUCT – The Declutter Equation – Home Decluttering Course That Works - iris enroll 1
The Declutter Equation - Full Program incl. Bonuses
PRODUCT – The Declutter Equation – Home Decluttering Course That Works - iris enroll 1

The Full Declutter Equation Programme – Value $3000+

Follow it step by step, trust the process, and get the results you’ve been craving. Includes over 50 audios & 11 videos so that it really feels like I’m working right next to you in your home (To hire a professional would cost around $300 per day – and to declutter an entire home would take at least 10 days)

Printable AND Fillable pdf Workbook – Value $59

93 helpful (and gorgeous!) pages to keep you on track every step of the way. It will take you through everything so you’re never unsure what to do next.

Private Facebook Group Access – Value $299

Support so you never feel alone. Use the access to the private Facebook group to chat to me and others in the program for motivation and support. Value based on 1 year for $25 a month.

Q&A Vault – Value $99

Head here whenever you’ve got a specific question. It’s like I’m reading your mind as there’s usually an answer there ready and waiting! (And if your question isn’t there, ask in the Facebook group and I can add it).

Total Value $3,457+

Yours For Just $345

Monthly Payment Plan

Want to pay in a different currency? CLICK HERE

Get Started Now – Your future self is already Thanking you!

“This really strange thing seems to be happening

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I’ve tried so many times to declutter before and because I tried to take it all on at once I just got in a pickle and the other members of the house dug their heels in and refused to get rid of things.

This time even my husband is letting go of things willingly.

I’m so shocked. This approach seems to be having a huge impact 
Sarah L

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

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“I’ve tried several different approaches, and they just haven’t fit well or worked that well. I can tell off the top that your approach makes sense and is very do-able. The workbook itself is incredible!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“This needs to come with a warning…

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II have a small complaint. This needs to come with a warning. A warning about how addictive decluttering is. Also, there’s a lifestyle change that happens that I was not warned about.
You see, before starting this the house work used to feel so overwhelming that I’d just get the basics done.
Since I started my motivation has returned. I guess it was just buried under some of the clutter. The rooms that I’ve finished take minutes to fix at the end of the day and so it’s easy to just get in and do it.
But there was no warning about what a massive change in my life it would make. Thank you for offering such an incredible program. It’s honestly been life changing.
Becca R

“Now I have a plan and am ready to move forward

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Thank you for all the details and the simplicity to make this doable for people like myself who are overwhelmed over-thinkers.
Your definition of clutter, and your ability to calmly speak about it are quite refreshing in all the chaos and clutter we experience. Thank you!”

YES! It really can work for you too.

Honestly, I can’t wait to help you discover for yourself the joys of decluttering. It really IS….


Life changing – When done right, it can give you the permission to create the home and life you want – whatever that looks like for you.


Truly addictive once you get started. It’s not just tidying up and moving things around again and again – it’s changing how your home works – for the long term


Eye opening – streamlining what you really love means you end up feeling like you have MORE rather than less!

And ultimately, there’s a freedom that comes with a clutter free home that I want you to experience as soon as possible. It’s a breath of fresh air… truly…

It’s time to stop making excuse, take away the doubts, and regain control.


“I’ve bought into other declutter approaches previously by other people, but not completed them.”

I feel certain I will with yours.

In my opinion, you have many new ways of looking at the decluttering process that I think will make all the difference for me.

I’m taking my time, but I enjoy reading / planning / watching and listening to the programme. I love the videos… they make a real difference to being inspired and making me feel I can achieve my goals

– Maria P

“I love everything about it!

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I finished the entire course and I love everything about it! I especially love the mindset talks and how motivating and soothing your voice is.”
Kristine Cabili

Still Got questions…?

There are no absolute guarantees in this world – but I will say that if you follow the steps in the program then you will see HUGE differences in your home – for the better.

The more you put into this program, the more you get out. It’s SO worth it!

Also, it’s worth noting that the program is fully designed to work for you and your unique needs as much as possible – which is why the MASTERPLAN section is so crucial.

You’ll be able to work to your own energy levels, decide on the order of where you’ll work on, and on your own timeline. I give help with it all, but ultimately,

I want you to feel comfortable and not held back or rushed at all. That way you’re much more able to create a home that works for you, properly.

Absolutely. You get all the tools to help guide you just as I would help if I were in your home. You are alone, but you won’t feel alone.

Follow the simple steps and you’ll get there!

And you’ll never be alone, really.

You can always ask for help from the Facebook group where I will be checking in regularly, ready to offer tips and motivation. In fact – you’ll probably be helping others in no time with some stuff you learn!

This isn’t purely a decluttering course.

You’ll get a whole lot more that will help you get AND maintain a clutter free home for the long term.

I take you through making a plan for your home (so you know what you want to get out of it), and there’s lots of mindset work that really helps to keep things clutter free.

It’s a full package – and has come about through my 20+ years helping hundreds of people declutter. I know what’s needed for results – and I have put all that into this program (for a fraction of the cost of 1-1 services).

I also make sure that you get the right help in the right format to make it as quick and easy to access as possible (so it’s like I’m with you every step of the way).

For example – if I’d usually show you by doing something, then I’ve created a video to show you exactly how to do it. If I’d be talking to you and answering a question or giving you advice as we were working together, then an audio has been recorded so you can listen and keep doing your decluttering at the same time. And lastly, if I’d sit with you and draw something out, and a diagram or words are best – then voila -they’re there too.

I am based in the UK, but price my products in USD as this is the main currency online and what I get asked for the most.

However – I am keen to offer an easy way for you to pay whatever currency you prefer – and so if you CLICK HERE you go to the bottom of this page, where I give currency options.

I hope this helps!

I’ve made each part of the program as bite size as possible – as I want you DOING rather than watching/reading/listening. I’ve also created the right format for what you need – so audios when you can be listening and doing something, and video when you really need to see something, so you won’t have to spend lots of time just sitting in front of your computer. 

Decluttering takes different amounts of time for everyone – depending on levels of clutter, energy levels, and time available. What I will say is that if you can commit to making this a priority, you will see results within a week that will help you progress and keep you motivated. An average home will take a few months to go through in its entirety

I want to be realistic here and say that it depends on your home and how cluttered it currently is. You have been living in your home and with your stuff for YEARS – so a quick fix is unrealistic.

Yes, you could throw lots out in the first weekend – but if you don’t change habits and learn the process to stay clutter free, then you’ll be back to the start before you know it (kind of like losing weight and then eating the same as before once you’ve lost it).

I DO give a few quick wins at the start of the program, but if you follow the program step by step you’ll see progress. 

The cost of the Declutter Equation plus all bonuses is just $345. You can pay in a different currency by clicking HERE.

Please note that Teachable is where you will be purchasing from, as this is where Organise My House sells all products. Teachable is what will show up on your bank statement – but please get in touch with chrissy@organisemyhouse.com if there are any issues.

You get instant access as soon as you sign up. No waiting needed. I understand that once you know you want to get decluttered, you want to start NOW, so I’m more than happy to make that happen for you!

You get access for the lifetime of the program. I don’t intend for this program to be going anywhere though!

My promise to you is that this program will continue and I will update when needed – you will get all updates whenever I add them once you’re in.

and I’m in this for the long term!

Let’s recap On what’s included

A Step-by-Step System That Actually Works

No more winging it or spinning your wheels wondering where to start. This program gives you a clear, simple roadmap to tackle the clutter in your home, one step at a time. Think of it as your GPS for decluttering—you’ll always know exactly what to do next.

Professional Expertise, Right by Your Side

This isn’t some ‘pieced together’ advice from the internet. It’s a proven system created by a pro with over 20 years of hands-on experience transforming real homes. It’s like having me right there with you, without having to make me even one cuppa!

Tools That Make It Easy (and Kind of Fun)

The 93-page workbook (seriously, it’s gorgeous) includes so many checklists and cheatsheets, you’ll have everything you need to stay organised and on track. It’s like having your own decluttering manual that keeps you focused, motivated, and moving forward.

Tailored Guidance for Every Room

Whether it’s the chaos in your kitchen, the overflowing clothes in your wardrobe(s), or the infamous junk room (we all seem to have that one place where excess stuff ends up…), this program has you covered. With room-by-room advice, you’ll tackle each space with confidence—and finally get things under control, once and for all.

Support for the Moments You Feel Stuck

Let’s be real: decluttering can feel hard sometimes. That’s why this program includes solutions for those “What do I do with this?!” moments. From bite-sized audio tips in the Q&A vault, to on the spot advice when reach a stumbling block or two – you’ll always have a lifeline to keep you going.

Mindset Shifts That Make All the Difference

Decluttering isn’t just about your stuff—it’s about how you think about your stuff. This program helps you let go of the guilt, the overwhelm, and the “what if I need it someday?” mentality so you can make real, lasting change in your home (and your life).

A Community That Has Your Back

Decluttering is so much easier when you’re not doing it alone. With instant access to the private Facebook group, you’ll join a supportive community of like-minded people who get it. Share your wins, ask questions, and celebrate progress together—it’s like having a team cheering you on.

Flexible Enough for Your Busy Life

Whether you’re working full-time, managing kids, or just trying to keep up with a busy day-to-day schedule, this program is designed to fit in. The steps are bite-sized and manageable, so you can make progress without feeling overwhelmed.

A Focus on Long-Term Success

This isn’t about shoving stuff in a cupboard and hoping it stays there, or just throwing everything out and keeping your fingers crossed it won’t creep back over time. The program is designed to help you create systems and habits that keep your home clutter-free for good. No more relapses—just a lighter, easier way to live.

Incredible Value!

Hiring a professional organiser to sort your entire home would cost thousands, but with The Declutter Equation™, you get the same expert-level results for a fraction of the cost. Plus, you can start right now, no waiting required.


100% Love it Guarantee

I’m so sure that The Declutter Equation™ will help you create the home you’ve been craving for so long and that you’ll be amazed at the results, that I’m offering a 100% happiness guarantee.
If for any reason you join the program and aren’t happy with your purchase, eMail me at chrissy@organisemyhouse.com and I will do my best to help you. If, however, you still aren’t happy – I will give you a full refund*.
Pinky swear!
*Please note that any refunds HAVE to be requested within 14 days of purchase.

So, Right Now You’ve Got 2 Choices…

#1 – You can keep going exactly as you are. Your home will stay exactly as it is, and you’ll carry on making the best of all those things that frustrate you. You’re OK with spending extra time and energy every day searching for things, and cleaning / tidying the excess. That’s just life, right?


#2 – You can grab this step by step program, and finally create the calm home you crave. Just imagine what your home could look and feel like a few short months from now…
Your clutter free home (along with less stress & more time) is just around the corner…. and The Declutter Equation™ will be what finally gets you there.

Above all- remember, you’re not alone,
You can do this,
& I can help.

Chrissy x

Last Chance…

What are you waiting for… this is the last chance on this page to grab this program and all 3 bonuses – just click on a payment option below and you’ll get instant access after checkout.

Plus – if you want to pay in a different currency – I’ve got you!

Just pick the payment type you want to use (monthly or 1 time), and then choose your currency. Simple!