Gorgeous word art pictures for your home

Why Word Art Pictures Are The Perfect Decor For Your Home

Ready to find some amazing art for your home, but unsure where to start? Well – I’d thoroughly recommend using Word Art pictures because they show your personality, look great, and fit with pretty much every decor style there is out there. You really can’t go wrong – and so I’ve decided to show you around my own home at all the ways where I have used Word Art pictures myself – so you get inspired and hopefully use them yourself next time you decorate. 

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Gorgeous word art pictures for your home

I don’t think there is a single room in my house that doesn’t have word art in it in some form or another…

I’m slightly addicted (OK OK – VERY addicted – you’ll see what I mean when you read further – just saying!).

You may have realised that quotes and words are special to me if you’ve followed this blog or any of the social media channels for any length of time… #quotes lol.

I *think* this love of words may have come from my parents. You see – growing up we had a downstairs toilet whose walls were covered with quotes and sayings that I could spend ages reading each time I went in. Everything from bible passages, to funny postcards, to a drawing and words that I had written when I was much smaller. If it had words on it – it went in there!

It was only natural that I started to use words in my decorating too – but I think I have taken it to the next level and beyond – and I truly LOVE IT!.

So – today I wanted to take you on a word art tour of my home, and show you all the places I’ve discovered over the years to buy my favoured wall art from.

I’m doing this because it’s a fantastic way of decorating – can be achieved easily and on whatever budget you have – and looks great too. I hope that the ideas I’ll share with you will inspire you to try word art if you haven’t thought about it before – or to try a new idea in the future.

First things first though….

Why are word art pictures a good choice for your home?


#1 – They are personal without being overly so. What you choose to say says something about you, but if you’re like me and don’t want lots of photos up on your walls, then this still keeps things close to your heart.

#2 – If you aren’t an art fan, or don’t know what your style is, then it can be a great way to fill your walls without having to find the ideal landscape/abstract painting etc…. (if you’ve ever struggled to buy art then you’ll know what I mean with this – it can take YEARS to find something you truly love).

#3 – You can always find a quote that suits your personality – whether it be funny, sentimental, cheeky, or something famous.

#4 – You can frame it, use it on canvas, have it on wood, small, large, specific fonts to go with your style etc… – the list is endless – and you really can fit word art in with any home style.

#5 – It can be inexpensive to create yourself – just print off a quote and frame it – and voila!

#6 – It can make a fantastic, and personal, present for someone special.

Have I sold you on the idea yet? I hope so!

Now it’s time to open the doors to my home and show you around a little – so grab and coffee and get inspired!



Hallway with white staircase and wooden floor, with black and white picture on the wall

A favourite of mine that we’ve had for years…. This was bought from somewhere else, but can be found now on ETSY, and I simply framed in a frame from IKEA which worked perfectly. Again this felt right to hang in the hallway because it’s rules of the house – so has the right feel…

Home picture word art

Very suitable for a hallway – and a gorgeous present from my hubby last Christmas. I like this because it’s personalised to us without being overly personal, and fits again with the colour and aesthetic we like. (He got it from NotOnTheHighStreet).

Word art in hallway

This word art was bought in a sale a while ago – from a department store but I can’t remember which one. I like using it in the hallway as it’s specifically about home – so it’s a good welcoming one when you walk through the door!


We’ve got two types of word art in this area, some that are room specific, and others that just fit the decor and available space really well and that we love to read (important because we spend probably the most time in this room each day).

First – the more practical ones: –

Coffee area in kitchen with word art

This is the newest one in the house, and I love it!. I saw the phrase a while ago, and knew that I wanted that in the space above our coffee machine (of course!), and spent a little time searching for the right one. Eventually I found it on ETSY, which is a FANTASTIC place for getting items made for you. I was able to tweak the item a little and I am delighted with the effect. I particularly liked this one because it’s printed on a sack like fabric which reminds me of a coffee sack!

Kitchen with black and white word art

This was a really random purchase many years ago when I wasn’t looking for it (isn’t that always the way – note to self, always have a running list showing what I’m looking for and roughly what measurements it can be, so that I can buy when I see it). I was actually in B&Q getting some decorating equipment and this was on the end of an aisle. I love black and white, the typography is gorgeous, and the fact that it fit the space I was struggling with in the kitchen AND that it was kitchen related was the final decision maker.

Dalai Lama word art quote

This is a HUGE picture, and I am smitten!. It was bought from the US from a place called SugarBoo which is a trade supplier I knew from when I used to have my interior design business, and there are all sorts of amazing quotes and colours to choose from. It was the perfect addition to that wall, as it fills the space but doesn’t make it too busy.

Plus a few word art cushions…… did you spot them!?

Quote word art picture on clipboard

A great little quote that I add to the clipboards in the kitchen from time to time (the others house our weekly schedule and the monthly calendar) – and was a bonus from the Ultimate Homemaking Bundle which I promote and buy myself each year (watch this space for the next one as I am hoping for more!).

Cream and white canvas word art

Another from SugarBoo (a particular favourite shop!), and this used to hang where the Dalai Lama quote now hangs – but I think it looks equally lovely over the kitchen dresser. I liked this because although it says something I love, it’s more abstract and so just adds a touch of colour and pattern to that wall without being overly fussy.

Letterboard with a quote on it saying "you are my sunshine"

Lastly – and also on my dresser in the kitchen, is this letter board – which I LOVE! I bought from Homesense a while ago and use it a lot to add different quotes to the room easily. It came with lots of white letters and symbols so it’s nice to change it once in a while – but this is a quote that’s special to us so it’s been there a while!


Picture wall with a lightbox on it

LOVE. LOVE. LOVE this – and it makes a really gorgeous addition to our picture wall in this room. I particularly like that the words can be changed depending on mood / time of year etc… (although we are both nearly 42 now but that saying is one that we keep going back to again and again…). We bought it from Amazon**.

Living room with wooden artwork of a compass

OK OK – not strictly word art – but I have classed it as such because it’s art with some words on (lol). I love this because it’s much more casual and that works well for the family room. It was bought from Maisons Du Monde**

and a few more cushions….

Brown leather sofa with lots of cream and white cushions on iit


Living room with sofa and picture wall artwork

I got the letterboard from TKMaxx when I saw it because, as always with that shop, it was a great price but probably wouldn’t be around for long. You can get similar ones from……..

This is a bit of fun because we can change the quote at any time. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes it’s related to an event, and other times it ‘s a random quote I have read and loved – but it’s nice to be able to swap it around a bit.

Also in this photo is a black and white word art picture with words about marriage, and as I’ve said previously – you can find word art that works with your decor, AND speaks to you personally – and this is one of those pieces.

My hubby and I have started to buy word art when we go away with each other – as a special keepsake – and this was one we both saw in a local shop in Leicestershire (UK) that we both loved and told each other about. The words feel right – and that’s the most important thing….


Bedroom with artwork above the bedside table

Appropriate for a bedroom without being over sentimental (I’m not one for big displays of affection – sorry hubby!) – and something I bought for him a few years ago. It works really well with the room – and is another different way of having words in art.

Just the one cushion here….(!)

Cushion and throw on an armchair


Hallway with word art on the wall

This was a present to ourselves when we got married – as a keepsake that we both loved. It was from More Than Words and was something we could totally personalise with special dates/places/names etc…. and pick exactly what colours to use. Again we always go for neutrals – so this was the perfect choice – and it makes me smile every time I walk past it because I see a different word each time and think of something new….

Landing with art on wall and blue bedroom in background

A purchase from this year – my hubbys choice surprisingly (most people assume it was my daughters!). He has special memories of reading Winnie the Pooh with his dad when he was growing up – and so this drew him in when we saw it in a little shop in Stratford when we went there on a weekend away.


Purple walls in a bedroom, with lots of pictures on in black and white

This is probably the most simple way of having some word art in your home – and that’s framing greetings cards that you love. I’ve added a few here that are funny or sentimental – and perfect for having in the guest bedroom. Along with these is a nice little  (and different) item with words on as well…

I love that the bus stop sign adds ANOTHER different style of word art to the house, and that it is relevant to us because we are very much city people and these are my 3 favourite cities in the world (cliche but true!).


Colourful word art in a kids bedroom

With our daughter, I love to have some empowering words for her to read as she grows up. She likes it as well because it’s got all the colours in it! I got this from one of the Ultimate Homemaking Bundles as well as the one in the kitchen that I’ve shown already.

Kids artwork on walls

As my daughter really likes the hallway rules to live by picture – when I saw that the same company made a kids version. I got it for her for Christmas a couple of years ago as she’d just moved bedrooms and it went really well with the new decor.

Cute owl artwork with words on in a childs bedroom

And lastly – a cute set of pictures I bought when she was born at a local card shop – which she still loves!

Oh. My. Goodness. I actually hadn’t realised QUITE how much word art I had – I really may have a problem(!) – but as you can see, they are all really different in look and feel and material, so each room still feels like a different space and not too same-y – and they all work for the spaces they are in really well.

They all mean something – and I suppose that’s the key. I’m a sentimental girl at heart and my style works well with this type of art around the house. I love that I can look at and read any of them and they bring back memories and feelings – whether that be sentimental or funny.

TIP – Write on the back some details about when you got it and why so you can look back in years to come and remember it all…

Word art pictures

Are you tempted to try using word art pictures in your home now as well? I really hope so!

If you are – but aren’t sure where to start, then my challenge to you today is to start small, and find a greetings card you love. (You may have kept some from a previous event that you loved, or you could go to a local store and get one for a couple of pounds). Then simply get a frame that it fits, and you’re done!

You can get some amazing quotes and sayings on cards now, so you will easily find something that you can relate to and that feels right for one of the rooms in your home. It’s an easy and quick way of adding something to your home that tells a little about you, and I hope it starts a trend of word art in your home too!

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