
How To Remember Passwords – The Easy Way You Can’t Forget


& FILED IN Household Admin 

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We need to remember so many passwords these days. Each should be different for security reasons, but it can be hard to create them and keep track of them all, right? Here’s the very best way I use that makes it so much easier. Let’s go!

How To Remember Passwords - The Easy Way You Can't Forget!

This post is all about how to remember passwords once and for all – it’s a little trick that my husband taught me a few years ago and it really does make life so much easier!

So – what’s the issue?

Well, we all know that passwords should be unique for every different login that we use anywhere. But, because keeping track of each one can be so difficult most of us end up sticking to one or two and using them in everything.

This is totally not recommended, because it simply isn’t that safe should anyone get hold of it.

After all – they could access EVERYTHING. eeek!

Nowadays there are password organising apps available, which I have to be honest I haven’t tried as yet, it seems like a lot of hard work…

But what I do instead works for me really well – and I can remember them all easily. And that’s what I want to share with you today….

'username or password incorrect' - at least tell me which one it is!

Let’s look at the steps you need to take to do the same as me:

Step one – How To Pick A Good Password

Pick a main password that is a strong mix of everything you should have in it:-

  • Upper case characters
  • Lower case characters
  • Numbers
  • Symbols
  • Random rather than real words

For example – A1£fRw73

I have picked 7 characters in this example password as I read that you can usually remember things of up to 7 characters easily.

Having this many characters also makes it less easy for hackers to work out. Of course, the more you can use, the better and the more secure it will be.

What to NOT include in Your Passwords

When deciding on the characters you’re going to use in your own password, then there are things to avoid:

  • Names – especially ones that are connected to you
  • Anything related to you – including addresses, pets etc…
  • Words found in dictionaries, even foreign words – real words are easier to guess
  • Numbers that are familiar in your life. Date of birth, addresses – of family as well as yourself.

You get the idea! Try to be as random as you possibly can.

This can be called you CORE PASSWORD. Keep this written down somewhere safe should you ever forget it.

Step two – Change It Up For Each Different Password You need

This is the beautifully simple part!

When you come to create a password for something, simply start with your Core Password and then chose letters that relate to what the password is for, and add these to the Core Password.

For example – For a Paypal account, you may use the password A1£fRw7pp as this has the core password we chose already, along with “pp” at the end which stands for Paypal.

Or you could put the pp in the middle: A1£ppfRw7

Only you know the placement for these extra characters – but the rest is always the same.

Now, the beauty of this method is that once you have remembered this one Core Password, you can simply add a couple of characters for each password you need, creating different and unique passwords for everything you need that is still easy to remember.

It really is that simple!

How To Remember Passwords - The Easy Way You Can't Forget!

So, if you’re currently using the same password for everything, why not mix it up a little…

… and at least start adding on letters to the end to make the passwords unique.

Or ideally change your core password to be as secure and difficult to guess as possible.

After all – it only takes a hacker to work out the password using one of the less secure sites you may have added it to,  and then try it in other more important sites to make life very difficult for you..

Do you like this idea, or have you got another good one to share? Let me know in the comments below…

Read Next: Why You Should Always Have [At Least] 2 Email Accounts


  • simple and user friendly yet wonderful and useful.Thanks for the advice.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

    This article was written by Chrissy

    Hi - I'm Chrissy... Having run my own business for 12 years as a Professional Organiser and Interior Designer, I know what works (and what doesn't!) when it comes to setting up a home that works both functionally and aesthetically. Now you can mostly find me in a coffee shop or at home, working full time on (which I setup back in 2011) sharing all my tips and ideas. My mission is to help you create a home that you love to live in every day...


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